
I always love it when people blow up about a game they bought on Steam when they clearly didn't even read the whole description on Steam and obviously never thought to google the game before handing over their money. They just get pissed because the game isn't what they thought it would be based on the name and a

I've never seen the problem unless people think steam should hold a higher standard and are personally insulted that they don't. After all you're on the internet buying a digital game. The same internet that lets you look up said game to see if its any good. If you can't bother to do that then its your own damn fault.

"I'm getting a little bit of ad revenue just from Steam... It felt wrong to me."

This has more plot than the original Destiny storyline.

This needs to be sent to Square Enix a million times over to make sure they get the message and maybe, just maybe they'll get the hint on what the fans actually want:

They needed to...confirm it? If they didn't know by now how out of their MINDS people are for a FF7 remake, they are all horrible at their jobs.

Seriously, is there a company that actively works to piss off its fans as much as Square Enix? What an awful thing to do.

Trolled so hard, was waiting for a swap out to some remake footage that never happened.

That was EXTREMELY disappointing. He even acted like he announced something so big. Wow. Overall this PSX event has been really underwhelming. Barely any big reveals.

my reaction.

Seriously how many more times do I need to keep buying all these re-releases in hopes of supporting it enough that they'll finally do an hd-remake or something.

What a close minded prick.

"Need help with dumb Son In Law..."

You’re down with the idea of playing as a teenage girl.

More like...MOTHER OF MOD...