Luc - The Acadian Oppo

He’s back.

Maybe if someone knows Noel Gugliemi they can ask the guy what car he was pointing at?

LOL We’re all geeks here. Car geeks, but geeks nonetheless. :)

You’re right: that’s definitely an Accord. In fact, the bald man detailing the car appears to be the same guy working the Accord’s hydraulics when Brian shows up.

This is Good Kinja.

I made reference to “Hector’s Accord” in another comment, but now I’m second-guessing the entire notion of Hector even owning an Accord. I’d have to re-watch the movie again to confirm, but the only scenes that come to mind are the alley meet, the night race, Hector’s trip to the parts store, and Race Wars.

You never had it. You never had your car!

My dad said “if you have to finance it more than 2 years, you can’t afford it.”

Those who saw Evans expose himself said that it was no big deal.

I don't understand why people are blaming tesla. Autopilot didn't kill him, his inability to look where he was going did.

More like 1989, but it’s totally close enough, dude.

Get rid of the corny games and Adam Ferrara and I'd watch again. Ironic that the comedian is the least funny of them all. Tanner is annoying but he knows his shit. Rut is hilarious and born for TV.

Deep down most of these people fantasize about killing. It’s not normal to worship a lethal weapon like this. They’re just looking for an excuse to use that gun. PRAYING somebody gives them a reason to shoot and kill. I’m sure their hearts race just pretending they have a target to shoot and kill, and they just wait

And if they are taken away, so what? Most people in the world live their entire lives without ever touching a firearm. I just don’t get the pressing need people have to own guns (I exclude rural people owning a rifle from that statement after seeing my cousin having to shoot a rabid fox to protect his dog).

I do not buy the whole idea that when parents proudly make awful decisions that lead to their children’s deaths (like leaving loaded guns lying around, failing to get the child proper medical attention, etc.) the death should be the parents’ punishment. These parents neglected their child to the point that he died,

Hello, long time reader, first time poster.

I favor the idea of regulating guns like we do cars, and requiring insurance, registration, and asset tracking. Have insurance companies pay out for loss of life and property, and let them collect data on risky behavior and ownership patterns. Use that data, and knowledge to

I’m German. I’ve been following countless discussion on US American media in the last years considering gun control. I’m sorry, I still don’t understand people defending their “right” to own a gun. I’ve tried hard. Why do you need it? We’ve got hunters and police etc with guns over here as well and yes we also have

If the Orlando shooter hadn’t gotten a legal gun, he would have gotten an illegal gun. Or made some explosives. And it’s even easier to make explosives than it is to buy a gun legally.

The Fiat 124 Spider: all the fun of a Miata, now with Dodge Parts & Service!

All absolutely true. My comparison is not spot on, but the point is that manufacturers have, since forever, created value by de-tuning their products. The Tesla platform simply provides new ways to do it.