I'm pretty sure the third holiday is Armed Forces Day, also held in May.
I'm pretty sure the third holiday is Armed Forces Day, also held in May.
If you don't mind me asking, why would you prefer a random oddball like McAffee or an obscure activist over a two-term governor? Johnson is the only Libertarian candidate with a ghost of credibility.
Without jumping the gun, I thought some of the infidelity stuff in season 3 was cringe-worthy in a good way. Those relationships were a delightfully awful train wreck.
I kind of feel like her, Mary McDonnell, and Grace Park are in some sort of career heaven, where they can earn a steady paycheck on a long-running crime drama without having to exert excessive amounts of effort. Maybe that's not fair to the work they've done on their current shows, I don't know, but I'm glad they…
Scar is a top 10 episode for me, I never understood why people didn't care for it. Yes, it's essentially a WWI/WWII dogfighting story in space, but so what? It's true to the characters and the story, which is more important than looking for plot advancement or Answers to Pressing Mysteries, or whatever the heck people…
Yeah I don't see how people think it's contrived or unlikely at all that the guy would pull a switchblade, or that she would automatically react and jam it into his neck. That wasn't poor judgment or a sign of Elizabeth being off her game, it was a typical hand to hand combat reaction.
The church is probably around Falls Church or Arlington, but it's easy enough to travel to the poor parts of DC to do ministry. The Jennings travel agency is also downtown, so it makes sense for Paige and Elizabeth to just walk back from the food pantry to wherever Elizabeth's car is parked.
I don't even go on the front page. avclub.com/search has all the articles chronologically, which seems like the most straightforward way to see stuff.
Thanks. I'm aware of this whole debate, but that guy puts it really well.
That sounds like the anti-American garbage of someone who wouldn't thank me for my service because I spent half a day inventorying all the cooking utensils in a mobile kitchen trailer. If we don't know how many knives and can openers we're missing, the terrorists win.
I suppose it could've been better, but am I the only one who thought Cain got a good death? She got to stare down her killer and neither flinch nor apologize. I thought it was pretty affecting, and emblematic of Cain's character.
"Razor" is also when they make Gina's name official. Until then it was only used by the writers and fans.
It peaked in the 1960s, but it was fairly popular throughout the 20th Century.
I don't think Martinez is particularly likely, but a couple non-scandals in 5+ years as governor doesn't put her in the Palin category. Talking shit about Democrats in a leaked conversation, and having a loud party in a hotel room, is way less baggage than Chris Christie or Jeff Sessions, for example.
McCain isn't disavowing Trump, he's still supporting the party nominee.
Well, maybe. But two of the larger duds come to mind as well, Black Market and The Woman King.
Pegasus is one for the ages. You can really feel the joy of all the characters when the two Battlestars meet for the first time. And then an hour later things are more dire than you could have ever imagined. All accompanied by two of the best soundtracks in the series. There's a case to be made that Pegasus & the two…
Right, the two parties themselves are secure. If they can survive a civil war, they can survive this. Still, the GOP driving off a demographic and ideological cliff is a huge deal.
The Georgia law was vetoed, not overturned. So it was never even a law.
Saxton and his dumb followers insisted on treating Star Wars like hard science fiction even when it clearly wasn't.