Central America is a part of the North American continent.
Central America is a part of the North American continent.
Pairesta: I looked it up. The flags are at half-staff for Peace Officers Memorial Day.
It also recalled him ending things with Bobbie Barrett by leaving her tied up in a hotel room.
Stan framing Vasily as the mole was damned impressive.
I figured the partners who weren't actually in Detroit weren't consulted until after the pitch with GM. The merger was only going to go forward if they won the account. If Don failed to Inception that idea into GM's head, then Don and Ted would just go home to their respective agencies in failure. But if they…
The thing is, GM really thought it was the car of the future, and it
had a lot of innovations. It was built extremely fast in a state-of-the-art plant with some of the first industrial robots ever. The engine used
new aluminum technology.They even built special train cars to transport them from the plant in greater…
You also had Phil talking about the hotel by the state forest for their weekend getaway, showing yet more travel agent expertise.
Yes, that is true. There are no term limits for VPs.
As people mentioned elsewhere in the thread, Paul Newman really was at a New York advertising awards dinner stumping for McCarthy when the news broke. I don't know if he was criticizing Kennedy at the time, but it seems pretty likely, given that Kennedy and McCarthy were the two anti-war candidates vying for the…
I felt at the time Democrats should have nominated Wesley Clark. A guy who isn't George Bush and also isn't the antithesis of charisma should've won easily enough.
She sabotaged Kinsey's relationship with his black girlfriend, but that was motivated out of dislike for Kinsey rather than racism.
Malingerer: The ads are for the new Original Recipe Boneless . The premise is that despite ordering a bunch of boneless chicken in a clearly labelled container, some people are gonna be so enraptured by the delicious 11 herbs and spices that they don't realize that that there are no bones until all the chicken is…
It doesn't seem that different from the jai alai special he sold to ABC in the Season 4 premiere, and Ken and the network guy were fully in the loop.
verte: I keep seeing little meta references about Weiner's unwillingness in these previews.
What is that supposed to mean?
Working my way through Veronica Mars Season 1, which continues to be delightful. I wish I had watched it when it was first airing. Also recently finished Veep season 1, which is also very good but extremely short.
With regards to torrents, it's easy enough to pay $2 for an episode on Amazon or iTunes. I consider an episode of quality TV drama to be easily worth the price of a lower tier Taco Bell burrito. And that's definitely a metric that gets tracked when they're thinking about the show's profitability.
Yeah, it went a bit too far. For that reason I hope their current separation lasts until early season 2 at least, even though they're so much better together.
I think it's a great callback to that scene. In his pitch, he's not selling a slide projector; he's selling the love of your family, but also an unreachable idyllic past.
Was it bleeped or just weirdly silenced? They did the latter a couple times before. (Ginsburg saying the song was stabbing him the ____ing heart in Season 5, Roger yelling that Pete ___ed up after he cut loose North American Aviation)