in 2000 I drew up the concept for noise canceling headphones based on waveform cancelation. way before I knew what a FFT was. Bose invented it 2 years later.
in 2000 I drew up the concept for noise canceling headphones based on waveform cancelation. way before I knew what a FFT was. Bose invented it 2 years later.
When I first learned about magnets I got all fired up and after long process of drawings and thinking I created an engine out of it!! Just to find out they already exist and are called electric engines...
Dude back office talk? You should ask people about what has been SAID to them. I had a slime ball sales jerk ask me "You goin' to let the wifey wear the pants?" while my wife was sitting there. As if a) my wife would not hear him b) it would be acceptable. Up and out we went, staying silent, I was proud of my…
Has anyone told the general manager he works for a company owned by foreigners? It still amazes me a country founded by immigrants still has people like this. And before anyone flips out yes even Native Americans are immigrants, having migrated from Asia.
So the jerk is the flight attendant in this case since he/she was the one who made a stink.
I'm a white male, so I'm not allowed to be offended by anything said to me anymore, so I'm really kind of over defending other people. Maybe this Indian guy was a really fucking shitty salesman and didn't deserve his job. Maybe he would actually be more suited for a job at 7/11. Maybe the manager was insulting his…
I think I speak for most of commenteriat when I say, Fuck that dealership.
I see nothing about the soldier 'making a stink'. It's the people around him making the stink. Soldiers are invariably low key and very modest when traveling. I've seen people (and I've tried to give) a first class seat to a soldier; invariably it's refused. I watched one in dress uniform refuse the offer to board…
Teachers do not serve. Firemen and police officers can go home when they want and see their families. Personnel in the armed forces make real sacrifices, no the pretend ones you like to think about.
Because it's the civil and right thing to do? Any idea how much time it takes to prep a dress uniform? Not easy. We're also not talking about a buck private here or even a young officer - the guy's a First Sergeant and a Ranger and a well decorated one at that. This guy hasn't just done his duty and moved on -…
I must have missed the part where flight attendants get shot at.
They aren't fighting for freedom in the Middle East. They are fighting terrorism in Afghanistan and fought to settle scores in Iraq. Then they are coming home to inadequate medical and psychological care. There's an extremely high suicide rate, but yeah, keep telling me how important that jacket is.
How is being a flight attendant a noble profession?
It amazes me that the teachers are always included in this. They don't risk their lives on a daily basis There is no PTSD. A roof isn't going to collapse in them if they stay in a burning building too long looking for survivors.
He isn't allowed to travel first class. If he is traveling in uniform he is probably traveling on official business and quite possibly doesn't have the option to travel in civies. When traveling in uniform you aren't allowed to sit anywhere other than coach, even if someone offers for free. The DoD got too many…
Did he make a fuss? I think it was the other passengers that saw this as more of an injustice, dude just wanted his jacket hung up, the passengers made it a scene.
I didn't expect most of the comments to side with the flight attendant... We should be grateful for the sacrifice our soldiers make to preserve our freedom. Hanging his jacket would have been a small and kind gesture... Policy or not!
Since you clearly don't have any military experience...because Gawker...when you travel on military duty, your uniform is your dress blues. Getting is pressed between the time you depart a flight and the time you have to report for duty is often impossible. That's kind of a big deal in an environment when your…
g*dalmighty...its a fricking jacket. Since when did jackets afford the same concerns as actual people. A jacket hanging up in 'first class' is not a big deal. Why the hell she wouldnt hang a jacket up is just retarded. In Asia, I fly coach almost all the time, and they always hang my suit jackets. May US Airways could…