
Growing up, I spent summers at my family’s vacation house on a lake in the northern Midwest. My dad had spent summers there himself as a kid, and he and my mom finally built their own home there when I was a baby. It was our favorite place on earth and we all felt much more at home there than where we lived for the

Okay, here goes! First time poster.

Who the fuck would stab a cat?  Ugh people suck

Okay, for starters, I want to say that I have never *seen* a ghost. Maybe at least in part because I don’t want to, but there it is. I have, however, *heard* some things that have decided me to never ever ever live in a detached home again, because as long as I have neighbors in my same actual building, I have

Second submission! This will get lost, but it’s the only other creepy/qualifying experience I’ve had. Below, the story of the cave.

it’s hard not to think about how I am basically the idiot who dies first in the horror movie.

I never get here in time, so this will be bured in the grays...oh well.

This year, I’m pretty sure I became part of someone’s ghost story.

This is my first time posting, and I apologize for the length. I have never physically written any of this down, so once I got started, it just poured out.

When I was 23, I traveled for the first time to Seattle with my mom, dad and 17 year old sister. We went to check out the university and do some generic sightseeing. This was back in the dark ages of AOL and dial up, so my mom used AAA to find and book a hotel in a rather random industrial neighborhood. I think she

I grew up in a medium sized town just a couple miles outside of Boston, so close to the city that we really should have been a borough, but far enough off out that I got my license as soon as I was old enough. I spent as much time as I was allowed finding excuses to be out in my car. This resulted in my friends and I

I lived in a series of houses and apartments that could have each claimed to be a horror movie set. Once with my best friend, I was the caretaker for an abandoned house. We slept in sleeping bags next to space heaters and tried to ignore the walls which were all painted in bright colors and then smeared in

My sophomore year of college I moved out of an awkward rooming situation and was set up in a temporary “emergency single” that the university kept open. After the ordeal I had with my former roommates, I was excited to have a room all to myself.

I wasn’t brought up to fear the dead, or ghosts. I played in the cemetery one house away. My Grandfather’s protective spirit opened bedroom doors nightly at Grandma’s house, checking on us as we fell asleep and then the sound of heavy men’s dress shoes made their way to the next room.

I wanted to submit this last year after reading this thread for a few years but missed the deadline. This happened to me years ago with my now-husband. He and I had been living in NYC for several years while he completed his graduate program. We had relocated from Seattle originally years before, and the move had

I went to a small college in a very small Midwestern town back in the mid ‘90s. About a month before senior year, my best friend’s (let’s call her Liz) living situation fell through. Because the town was small, she didn’t have a lot of option, particularly so late in the summer, and my place was too small for two. Liz

This isn’t really scary, but definitely creepy.

This is actually kind of sweet, I think. Uncanny, but sweet.

I had just lost my job - I’m a single dad and this hit hard; I live in northern Michigan, positions in my field are difficult to find, and the company, based in San Francisco, just kind of phased my position out. I’m prone to depression, so I got really low,

Not sure if this is scary or just spooky, but it’s definitely freaky. I’ve read tarot cards professionally for almost 30 years so I’m definitely fascinated with paranormal, etc., but my tagline is “woo woo without the cuckoo” because I’m also pretty cynical. Many years ago I went to a workshop focused on connecting

I’m in the greys so who knows if this will even go through..