
Well, I never really understood pretending bodily functions don’t exist in front of a man I’m interested in either, honestly. (“Ladies don’t fart! tee-hee” ummm...) But this isn’t even a romantic situation. It’s just coworkers. If she’s gonna be embarrassed about peeing and pooping, wouldn’t it be the same for male

I’m kind of struggling to see the issue. Why is peeing next to a man any different than peeing next to a woman? (Also, pooping in public is THE WOOOORST.)

You might say she’s tough as... nails.

Ah yes, in Texas, a trigger warning is giving someone a warning right before you shoot them.

I wish I could remember! He was seriously such an asshole to our sweet, kindhearted teacher. And it was an AP class, ffs. Time to put your big boy pants on.

You say that as if I don’t spend more time on Tumblr than Jezebel... >_>

Reminds me of a kid in my AP English class who didn’t want to read “House of the Spirits” because... penis something? I don’t even remember. He got his dad and pastor involved and they tried to get the book banned. (Luckily they failed.) Meanwhile, as soon as the kid told the teacher he wouldn’t read the book because

Oh my god. Honestly I’m pretty glad I graduated college before Tumblr was a thing...

OMG what?? That’s too funny. It was posted only a few days before my 33rd birthday, too! (Too bad I don’t read Adequate Man...)

To be fair, I’m not sure if it is an actual thing. I’d been calling it that as a joke but I haven’t heard anyone else say it (until just now).

Jesus died at age 33.

I’m 33 and have also been calling it my “Jesus year!” [high five] (I am also not crushing it lol.)

Agreed. It is not good. (And she went to design school? /snark)

Ugh Juan Pablo was the WORST. I didn’t watch Andi’s season but I think Evan is right about Josh—an ocean of words but no thoughts. Also his temper is a huge red flag for me. No thanks!

They all know who is going on the show and many of them make plans to meet up beforehand. Some contestants make plans to meet multiple people. The producers know exactly who is there to meet who and plays it up. They know exactly who to send in when to create max drama. Though, I think both Ashley and Caila were

Oooh, interesting. I actually didn’t watch the first season, just 2 and 3. Maybe I should check it out!

Yeah, Nick is definitely the best guy of the bunch. Smart, cute, perceptive, and a hot bod. What’s not to like? Still, apparently he just flat-out told everyone he was there to meet Jen, so people were being friendly but not getting attached. He even told Amanda this on their date, and that she was free to ask out

I don’t like Daniel but otherwise I totally agree with you. Ashley is so desperate and immature I cringe every time she’s on screen. I think Jared was very clear with her but she keeps calling them soul mates and saying, “how can two people who love each other so much not be together?” Sweetie, he’s just not that into

I know! I keep hoping that they’ll do a weekly blog about BiP so I can talk about some of the things that have come up with other commenters, but so far, this is the only one. :<

I really, really dislike him.