He admitted it. Fuck that guy.
He admitted it. Fuck that guy.
It’s like the christian “rock” garbage. The fans of that stuff are some thunderously dumb people.
Fuck Louis CK. But especially fuck christian comedians. They are fucking horrible.
Most of us aren’t creeps who sexually assault women. Fuck this fake “christian” asshole.
Seriously, he green-lit this putrid shit?
No, he isn’t. “christian” comedy is awful, just like christian “rock” is awful.
Yes, sexual assault. What part of this story is confusing you?
And it is god-awful, just like christian “rock”.
Fuck this racist piece of shit.
Yup, last week.
Exactly. This little asshole’s life isn’t over.
LOL. Fuck that guy.
I don’t allow racist cunts to respond to me.
I don’t think a bunch of rich people are going to pay him money to speak. And his cousin-fucking supporters can’t afford the tickets.
Quiet, you dumb twat.
Burnett’s racist ass will shop it to OAN.
Quiet, you dumb twat.
Fuck off. If you don’t like it, don’t click, you fucking whiny toddler.
You sad little racist.
There is not a recount law.