
It should be more alarming at how many people believe most of what they read, too.

Doesnt that seem a little odd, though, compared to the 1st game? We’re a couple months in and he’s already had most of the exotics inventory up for grabs. It just seems like there was a lot more exotics released with D1, or was it that just made the exotics harder to get, or both?? I still enjoy the game a lot and

Hawthorne’s given me at least 5 Riskrunners, and the Rahool’s had to have given me close to 10 Coldhearts. The day i got two of those one after the other was a sad day, indeed. :(

:X I’d give you mine, if i could! Sadly i haven’t had much of an urge to go back to my Hunter, lately. Hunter’s got hosed, so far.

Yeah. Some of the things between the weapons and armor really don’t seem very creative. Better handling speed or something is more accurate when you first arm it etc.. *sigh* But Wardcliff Coil is good fun for the whole family even if i blow myself up with it more often than i should!

That’s a shame that there are actually people that do that. Not surprising in the slightest, but still sad.

The engram i got Gjallarhorn from dropped from a random Fallen Vandal on Venus. Go figure! But yep, by the time Xur sold it, it was nerfed and not nearly as fun anymore. Sorry you never got that joy. But if it helps, i never got Black Spindle. Our go to guy got it in his fist attempt when i wasn’t on, and after that

“ he’s given out just about everything at this point. “
I didn’t say he had given out ‘everything’. But i’ve got like 3 of each of those in the first couple of weeks, so i haven’t been paying any attention to those. :D

That’s essentially it, though. They put out such a minimal amount of exotics (probably because they’re saving them for DLCs), that he’s already sold most of what’s out there. If i weren’t feeling so lazy, i’d be curious to how many exotics were at the launch of D1 vs. D2. I’ll have to look that up, tonight.

At this point, Xur should just be handing out legendaries, because really, except for the mission based exotics, he’s given out just about everything at this point. It really takes away from the excitement and uniqueness of having an exotic when you know you can just eventually score it through Xur. It reminds me of

I’d guess, like i did, people joined them this round because, ‘hey, new sword’ But unless there’s something magical about it, i won’t use it anymore than any of the other weapons the other two factions were offering, but i had to pick someone.

Now playing

She actually says it in spanish....and slightly different.

I haven’t been playing it nearly as much as some people, but as of yesterday, i have 3 characters that are all close to the maximum level and all the exotics that you can get outside of the raids. Aside from an hour or so worth of filler adventures, i’m pretty much done until the new content comes out. There’s likely

This is the 21st century. We need to get rid of any type of social convention so that no one ever has to feel pressured to talk to someone outside of social media, ever again.

I constantly use mine. I’ve got most of the lights in the house running through it, the thermostat, setting timers and making shopping lists when my hands are full, playing music when i’m just laying there, or checking the weather without having to wait for a website to load up, and a bunch of other little odds and

You mean, this one??

Yeah, i had to a agree to a short term strained relationship with Hideo after i saw what my alma mater had to offer. What a shame.

HA! lol

You’re like the 4th ‘That Guy’ i’ve seen today. Is it an official holiday?

But if you’re early warning system gets taken out without an early warning, then it wasn’t very much of an early warning system. That’s actually the entire point of an early warning system.