
That’s the best description of the internet community i’ve ever seen. Thanks, i needed that after reading some of

Damned if they do...Damned if they don’t. People like to ‘worry’ about the goofiest things.

People just like being paranoid and bitching. the 21st century’s defining trait.

Apparently, Naughty Dog takes their deadlines very serious. “If you don’t get this done by the end of the month...well, you know what’s coming.”

I stopped buying comics about a year or so after. I was free! but now i’m looking into go back down the road. Must.remember.lesson.

It was new, fun, and what we thought was something limited and special. Then, shortly after, we saw it for the money grab it was. :(

2600 Combat 4 Life! lol They were simpler times.

My favorites are always the ones that believe they’re a representative of the majority, like that guy’s twitter up there. “This is not what we wanted.” don’t speak for me,

The comic book crowd when a movie comes out different than what they’s ugly.

PC, Xbox, PS. They all whine just as much as the other about the dumbest things.

I find a lot of the times that the cranky people are quick to get the cynical comments in their first. It’s like a race, but after that the positive comments should start flowing :)

Surprised? Every article about everything on the net, people feel a need to criticize the other side about anything they can come up with.

I found out you can go from last to first pretty damn quick if you get stuck with a team that’s hesitant to grab the spark. Grab it a couple of times and put a couple of yards on it, and suddenly you’ve got a couple thousand points. But yeah, can we have Control back, please?

It got better as the week went on, but those first couple of days, UGH. Either you were on the team steamrolling or getting steamrolled yourself.

There’s a chinese place around here called Takee Outee. All other business names after that are fair game.

For someone who swore he’d only go hunter and now i have 3 level 40 characters :X I hope you enjoy the ride! and a sword is a good friend to have.

I think that’s a popular move with a good chunk of people in any game these days :X I played halo with a friend’s teenage kid a few years back, online, and right in the middle of a match he’d just set the controller down, hop in his car and drive off :|

and also invite only...

The alpha worked perfectly fine...

Most entertaining thing i’ve read all month.. thanks, Rob! I’m actually more interested in seeing this than i was a few minutes ago.