
I know Nolanbot’s better and all, but i’m still going to miss Dinklebot’s bad, “We’ve woken then Hiiiiiiiiiive!” Nolanbot’s sounds more like, “oh by the way, it seems as though we might’ve woken some of those pesky hive fellows.”

As long as he’s getting all his quotes right.

I don’t know what the full need will be for strange coins after the DLC comes out, but they’ve said that you’ll be able to trade them in with Xur to better your chances of getting exotics in boss battles. Which bodes really well for my friend with 1000+ strange coins .

The power of branding? Tell them it’s good, and they’ll follow it to the ends of the earth, or at least until reviews come out saying one way or the other.

It’s called Urban Renewal.

They don’t say, here’s some lines, read them and let us know how it goes. Somebody was directing him on the scenes, how he should say them, and giving him the thumbs up or down. We know Dinklage can act, I say we strangle the director.

I thought about it 2 mins after :X The group got caught by the gorgon, and he started to squeal. So i ran up there, stabbed him in the face just for the hell of it. He wrenched back and i stabbed again with the same result. I heard the group saying, “Oh well, ok next time lets try this.......wait, why are we still

A classic.

Btw. Fun fact that i’ve never seen anyone else try before. At least with a Hunter, you can just knife a Gorgon in the face to death. It’s good fun for the whole family.

Wasn’t that also supposed to include the purple’s you get from leveling up with the cryptarch? Well, i guess, apparently not, since 90% of those trade ins still get me two lovely blues...Curse you Rahool and your new reef buddy, too!

I’m still busy facepalming this week’s hunter gear.. really Bungie, has it come to this already?! :X

The next time i play a game of baseball i’m going to see if i can just skip the whole batting portion and just throw the ball over the wall. I weep for the future when everyone finally gets everything they want and no one has to be challenged anymore.

“pair them with Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light? “
Don’t tease. I’m still getting over there never being a live action movie.

Yeah, i was sure i was going to stay with just one character, so i scrapped my other, the one gets moved around a lot between my other 2 characters. d’oh.

That’s because everyone’s hoping the two women kill each other and fall over on the child. Sparing him from, 10 years later, showing up somewhere with a loaded gun and the cops have to kill him, anyways.

Once you strap one of these baby’s onto a Delorean, anything’s possible.

I play the game way too much, and there’s still a bunch of times where i haven’t found the chests at...I think i got a key last night, so thank goodness for upping the drops and not getting bummed out when i finally found the chest at :10 left and got nothing out of Worst place to find the chests so far,

If you left the area and went to the next zone, you could turn around and go back to an unopened chest. If you were lucky to get the skywatch one next to the building to pop up, you could run into the building and back out 4 or 5 times in a countdown :X But now you don’t have to worry about that!!

Lot’s of whiny folks with no real problems in life.

Hey, we all have our wants and preferences, no matter how old we keep getting or how little we might actually use it.. Not a thing wrong with that!! Personally, i’ve got an xbox and i’m playing it far more than i should be, lately, even though there’s other things i probably should be working on :/ You might be better