
Can we have a column about movie villains so we talk about PSH in M:I III?
*Paul Hogan voice: Now, that's a villain. Brutal and efficient. No "monologuing", no "You and me are a lot alike". The post-bridge escape scene: He calls Ethan, makes his demand, sets his deadline and hangs up. No gloating or boasting about how

So I know I'll get tarred and feathered for this but I think Children of Men is highly overrated. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful film. The long shot is as great as people say but I don't feel attached to the characters, I don't enjoy the plot and because of the way the plot and characters are written, there's no

Strongly disagree, give me Vanessa Ives-style Eva Green.

Sam's #NotEvenAMaester!

*Looks at cellphone

It's only season 6? Seems like Mindy has been on this show almost as long as "The Office"…

2 Country 2…Old Men?

I have an in-law who's supposedly an "architect". I've voiced my suspicions to my wife repeatedly.

*Immediately begins humming "West Covina" 🎶

I'm gonna date myself here but I'm not really sure what reference he's going for with that costume, Cruise in "Risky Business"? It just seems like the "Dark hair+dark shades+black leather jacket" was pretty popular in 80s pop culture.
Sidenote: Whatever Halloween party they showed, seems like a set up for a Jason

I can see that

What's the top 5 list of overdone Alt History concepts?
1) What if the Axis won WWII
2) What if the South won the Civil War
3) What if JFK wasn't assassinated?
4) ?
5) ?

Sam tells Gilly that he never really believed Stannis (I don't know why).

Upvoted for the Finding Nemo breakdown alone

Leelu Dallas ______

While Owen got murdered by Damon's Bourne…

Has The AV Club commentariat ever released a GoT Dynamic Duo Power Ranking? If not, I'll submit mine. These are rankings of GoT characters that are coupled together or have interactions with one another directly over multiple episodes (best to worst):
1. Varys/Littlefinger
2. Varys/Tyrion
3. Bron/Tyrion
4. Bron/Jaime

I don't get why people think Cersei will firm an alliance with Euron. She's always been impetuous and without children to stabilize her, Tywin to order her and being estranged from Jaime, she had no grounding for her worst impulses. She's always wanted to operate independently and now that she wears a crown, I don't

That's actually Keisha Castle-Hughes in the center of the still not the left.
*Pushes glasses back up nose

I thought it was obvious that the author was alluding to both subjects having a surge in popularity. Hence "at the moment". Ten years ago, nobody was checking for Barry Jenkins & only academics were discussing Baldwin en masse.