
Let's take a moment and discuss Equilibrium: Essentially a proto-"V for Vendetta" film (dystopia, authoritarian government, no self-expression) with a very dark limited palette (grays, black, dark blues). Sean Bean dies in the beginning of the film in a scene that reminds me of the early part of Men in Black, when

I would argue Cruise moreso than The Rock, on the strength of the M:I series alone (Edge of Tomorrow is great but all of the fight scenes are purely CGI). The Rock is more Action-Comedy, kinda like late era Arnold, he works best in films that are somewhat self aware of his goofiness and ridiculous physique.

My working theory is that someone had that song suck in their head from a weekend playlist and just pitched how can we use that song in an ad as a lark. The idea picked up steam from there…
🎶Reeeturn of the Mac/With Cheetos…

Nope… Still doesn't make me feel better

But She's not the real Eleanor!

That's the whole point of the conversation with his father afterwards. He picked a terrible time and place to try and assert his adult preferences in food (and by proxy, religious devotion). Parents tend to lean toward tradition, whatever it might be, while children (regardless of age) tend to be invested in

So many big name actors, so many poor Southern accents! (With the exception of the computer whiz, "All the Twitters😁) But Soderbergh + Tatum + funny Craig + caper = count me in.

"Unnnn-bearable/His show is still alive, dammit!/It's a miracle…"

Everybody is missing the most important thing: Jon Favreau is getting THIRD billing! Tony Stark's bodyguard rates higher billing than (Oscar Award Winner) Marissa Tomei as Aunt May and the pop star (ostensibly) playing Mary Jane. Vince Vaughn must be wondering where it all went wrong…

@space robot is out here asking the real questions…

It's interesting how the topic of "wealth" is discussed when it comes to TV, especially this show. It seems the people who criticize the "realism" don't take into account: A) Dev has at least one parent that has been making a good living over decades therefore B) it seems likely that he became college educated with

If it's Italian and not "La Cinema Paradiso" or "Life is Beautiful", I haven't seen it. Come at me…

I mean…she still did start acting out of nowhere…

So Trudy eventually left Pete to become an actress and then wrestle?

What's really Unsolved is the mystery of who asked for this show to be made. /snap

Like Night at the Museum but not cheesy…

I'm the exact opposite, I'm surprised it was only six seasons. Thought it was longer…

Reading those names, I assumed they were both women until I finished the sentence.

The only episode I still remember was watching a rerun late one night and seeing porn actress Annie Cruz as the main person, choosing same sex contestants. She used the same name, "Annie" but I never knew I'd this was before she started acting out maybe before she became popular but it was amazing to watch.

But that's part of a whole Shonda Times empire. When I hear about this show or Grimm, I think"who thought that these series should be greenlit?"