
Diana Ross?

He's not on your tempo, huh?

"Wait, she could have been with Blair Underwood but instead she chose Steve? I don't get it!"
"No, Captain. Now you do get it."
Not only was Holt discussing SATC amazing but thanks to my wife being a "Sex and the Cityot" I fully understood every point and agreed with most of them.
But really, as much as I admire

Jungle 2: Electric Baloo?

Also The Magicians and Childhood's End. But after this review looks like the streak has ended. Oh well, for every Breaking Bad there has to be a Low Winter Sun right?

I didn't know the AV Club was so bent against the Rift headset…

Seriously. Once Abbi saw Ilana's family at the same restaurant, I thought "Ok, we get to see Abbi do the double date sitcom plot" but by the time they got to Trey doing the Robin Williams' run (which also played to his American Ninja Warrior training as well) it slowly dawned on me and the "Whole time" delivery was

Sorry, just an old habit…

I call "hot potato stupid" as my new band name…


That's what sold me on Chance, before that I had consigned him to the same garbage bin with Tyler the Creator and the rest of his crew. But clearly Chance has some discernible talent.

I scrolled through all the comments just to make sure I didn't miss someone commenting about Fables.

I've enjoyed her character (I use that word simply because w/o much dialogue, we haven't been privileged to the actual person's thoughts during this time). Two scenes stick out to me before the "Dry your tears" line.
1) During the Bronco chase, when Cochran breaks down how Shapiro is posturing for himself and not O.J.,

He was on "Supernatural" for a stint as well.

See, I don't mind the Cuba casting because other than the "Get off my bench" scene, there's not been too many moments where the size difference draws attention away from the acting. I've never been a CB Jr. fan but I think he's doing a great job of illustrating OJ's delusions and perception of reality.

*raises hand
Wait, is that like a male succubus? Nevermind…
*puts hand down, and awkwardly gazes at shoe tops…

Not being a horror movie fan, Jeepers Creepers 2 was the first time I understood how a horror movie can be so bad, it's funny. There were so many ridiculous parts, including the Creeper taking off a kid's head with his wing and interesting it through his back up to his neck where it morphs into his own head. I could

Agreed, Uncle Joe is pretty awesome.

Yes sir/ma'am… C/O 2009

Lol @bagging up. Originally from Baltimore, I didn't come across "bagging up" until coming to DE for college. I still find it funny when DE natives use it.