
Just give me my Storm-Black Panther wedding. Release date can be MLK day or February of 2020, your call Disney/Marvel/Fox…

I pose this hypothetical from time to time: A genie gives you a choice:
A) You can live your natural life and watch your favorite team reach the championship four times consecutively and losing each time OR
B) Live your life knowing your favorite team will never reach the championship.
I know it's an unpopular opinion

A-fucking men

The entire opening was a master class in comedy.
The bronze medal story (which is 2nd only to Hector's parking story from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend in subtle toilet humor)
Jimmy's reaction to Gretchen not taking meds: "Wow".
His reaction to Lindsay's pregnancy announcement: "Bye".
Then we get a ridiculous explanation for her

"What, was Murdercorpse already taken?"

This seems like some kind of Hope-Crosby parody, where everyone talks fast and women are "dames".
I can see Robert Osborne introducing it on TCM, "Next up, the 1942 screwball comedy from MGM Studios, 'Pharoah to Middling'."

While the verses are sub par, I still hold "Santa Claus Came Straight to the Ghetto" in high regard just for hearing Nate Dogg sing the hook…

What happens when those hamsters learn to drive accompanied by 90s Hip-Hop classic "This or That" by Black Sheep? Or when they lose weight and begin to wear tailored tuxedos accompanied by…whatever the hell Adam Levine sings about?

Good, so that wasn't just me then…

Jane Got a Gun 8: Nuclear Warfare

Everything's coming up Milligan!

See: Melancholia
Which by the way, I could not get further than 15 minutes into, it was too much of a slog.

Don't be ridiculous!
*Audience laughs and applauds

I was blown away when I found out the correct pronunciation was "Boi-yahr-dee" instead of "Boy-ar-dee".

Like the "occupation" of architect, the "sport" of squash is heavily represented in popular media but I've never encountered anyone in real life who knows anything about it. I have the suspicion that squash was invented just for comedies to have slo-mo shots of people hitting balls at one another.

That's immediately what I thought as well…

"Just one more thing…"

With music provided by Chet Haize. Nevermind, I'll see myself out….

Now you gotta remind me that ESPN ruined Grantland… It's getting dusty all over again.

Another small tidbit I thought would come up again in this episode but didn't: envelope containing baby's gender. We've all watched enough sitcoms and movies to know that will lead to shenanigans in the finale.