delta one

It takes a big man to anonymously be condescending to other people on the internet. Wait, was it “big man” or “sad pubescent?” I always forget.

The Elder Stark from First Avenger and Agent Carter is a bit more Howard Hughesesque.

People keep saying that, but they also forget that he can lift many times his own body weight over his own head, has superhuman reflexes, and probably something of an increased healing ability. He’s far from an ordinary kid taking a punch.

Its not like Cap had much choice- he was flat out told that his best friend was going to be taken down without due process and he had no say in the matter. If that’s not a fight against fascism, I don’t know what is. Its not like the Nazi soldiers weren’t also just doing their job- that’s just the nature of war.

Besides, in the world I live in a distressing amount of people act like movie-events correspond to real-world options.

It’s a movie... like a fake, scripted movie.

You sound as smug as Tony Stark.

I sided with Captain America. He did not want himself or the team to be a weapon that is deployed only when it aligns with someone else’s political agenda.

By accidentally responding to himself. I actually gave himself the correct berating. He should acknowledge that he was wrong and give up.

By accidentally responding to himself. I actually gave himself the correct berating. He should acknowledge that he

Agreed - it’s a narrow-minded perspective and a weak analogy. Hell, I don’t have any steps in my house, and like xminesweeperx, my company has standard desks.

Agreed - it’s a narrow-minded perspective and a weak analogy. Hell, I don’t have any steps in my house, and like xmin

You’re missing the point. It lets you move quickly between sitting and standing, so you are not locked in to one or the other for 8 hours a day. How would you suggest doing that with things “they already have in their house.”?

You’re missing the point. It lets you move quickly between sitting and standing, so you are not locked in to one or

This is the first movie I remember her in.

We here on the internet thank you for your copy-and-paste response.

To soon.

The best experience I had at the movies was having passed out drunk five minutes into “Hannibal” and waking up just before Ray Liotta’s brain gets eaten.

Awful suggestions like the AMC CEO are why I really dislike going anyplace except Alamo Drafthouse.

Must suck to be so bitter.

And then you get pissed at yourself for tensing up for no reason, so, you force yourself to relax only to repeat the same damn thing 30 seconds later.

I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.