delta one

That’s amazing. Both of those clips are virtually the same length of time. Could not have worked out better.

If Keanu Reeves comes into the theater, sits right next to you and starts coughing you breath in as hard as you can and hope to become infected with whatever he has to offer in the slight chance you become even .01% as awesome as he is you unappreciative turd.

Just curious, because I’m assuming you don’t type out the whole “\/\/” every time you need to use a “W” and probably have it copied to your clipboard and hit ctrl+c every time you need a “W.”

If that’s the case, which I would guess it is, why not just copy someone else’s “W” and paste that every time you need the

Maybe it’s an adaptation of the comic actually titled “Homecoming.” It was a pretty big deal. I have this comic along with the Secret Wars series it follows.

I feel like nobody remembers Michael Keaton’s Batman shoving explosives down this guy’s pants and knocking him out to inevitably explode in Batman Returns.

I misread as legos, too. I waited until very end thinking I’d see them eventually.

Once you go dark side, you don't go back

I agree, I had set a reminder on my phone to go out and look at it. Luckily the clouds parted just in time to watch it rise. I have another reminder set for tonight's as well. Last night.

Wait. No black?

Sure thing, man! It's got a lot of attention, I saw it jumped to over 10k now! So it's a third of the way in 1 day, which is pretty good!

Surprisingly still a lot of early birds left, although one is already all gone.

There are also still early bird specials on this Kickstarter Project for an external battery! Hoping it gets more traction because I already backed and want it funded so I can get it! The thing has a freaking 6 month standby time holding a 95% charge.

Don't you realize how ignorant that comment is? This proves it's important to you.

Haha! You misunderstood the point of my comment. But you'll never understand because you lack the mental capacity. Sooo... I'll let you have your little "escape" from this thread since you seem to be trying to pretend as if it's me that has to be right when it's actually you. Take care now, don't hurt yourself

God you are so dense. And it cracks me up that you won't admit it. Typical, just keep denying it with no substance to back yourself up.

Just admit you were wrong. Don't try to pretend that you can trick me into thinking that I had some hidden meaning that aligns with your bullshit. You can't say you knew what I meant and it be something different from what I typed. I called your bullshit and proved it and you tried to play some card like you're

Are you freaking blind? Did you even read my comment before you spewed nonsense? Try again starting here: "Anybody reading the original article needs to take it with a big grain or two of salt."