delta one

You had to be that guy.

Kaiser lives in NYC so I'm sure they taste equally like crap to him. He has access to some of the best pizza on the planet.

Yeah, that's the way it reads out. I was just talking about this with another commenter under Brian's reply. I'm not defending his plan, I'm just stating that Stark didn't do what was done in the article.

I actually posted the image. But you're right, there is a flaw there. I guess if someone missed a ping they would probably ping back with the original sender most likely checking the inbox more frequently.

Not really. Stark setup a box for the users to send to a garbled email address that led to nowhere to spark a kickback for non-delivery.

Silver Potatoes?!

You could not be more wrong about Tim. I have a ton of friends who have pics with him including myself. This is me and him when I worked at the place that installed his AC kit in his car. He took pics with the entire warehouse (over 100 people) and signed autographs.


"It pulls the old telescoping lamp gag and shrinks down to half its original size, and clamps onto the side of your desk like a vise."

Those are two completely different bases.

Anybody besides the author of this post?


Is anybody at all lusting after this tape dispenser?

They need to put an 11'-8" bell a little ahead of it. If your truck rings the bell stop now.

Haha, that's hilarious! Did they do it because of those mugs or was that from before today?

Lanny loves to swim in coffee?

Let's not get TOO logical.

I was just going to say I thought you guys have always wanted us to have your emails addresses.

Because obviously he "knows Apple."

I've shrunken shit. Expensive shit. So I guess it couldn't hurt. It also wouldn't have hurt if I had read the tags...