delta one

Well played.

It's a battle!

This thread is getting good.

Have you guys ever even seen a chicken?

So get yo knees flexin and your arms t-rexin

If Microsoft would just release the Courier it would put a MASSIVE dent in the tablet market. Even us iPad owners (some of us) would be all over it. I know I would!

HAHAHA! Freaking awesome, man. That council was a huge f'ing brick in the wall.

Yeah, that's a pretty damn good idea. Hopefully it reaches her because it'd be cool if she kept that blog up.

That's funny,now that I think about it I know a guy who has one of those bowed mirrors that you see at gas stations.

That does suck. My boss just left so for now it's her boss checking up until they replace her. Normally I'm good to browse but I'm playing it safe for now!

Thanks man. Didnt even see that. I'm used to checking the end of the article for links. Luckily they have pics up now!

Mother of shit you are so right!

Not to bitch, Sam, because that's not my style. But if you could post additional pics I'd freaking love it! Those machines do look pretty effing sleak and I'd like to see more!

Good point, strippers can now hold more dollars!

Looks like we got weight capacity issues...

Thanks for the reply man! So you'd recommend to another? And I don't hold anything against you. But when I see that I mean it in terms of there are some things that I would NOT recommend. And so far from talking to you this doesn't seem to fall in that category.

Has anyone used the BlueAnt S4 Bluetooth Dual-Phone Car Speakerphone Kit? Amazon shows a 50/50 split on reviews. I'm not looking for top of the line here but I want something decent...

An amazing display is something huge and I would always love, but to have a machine THAT responsive... What more could anyone ask for?!

YES! The lack of video reviews with Frucci in particular. Those were so hilarious.

Yeah but when you have been reading Giz since 2006-07 those two years feels like a eternity. And like I said, it isn't just the change in writers, but the commenters that traveled over because of the high traffic of the Great iPhone 4 incident.