I love that you say definitively speak to how a dog’s ass functions, and not to how a dog’s ass seems to function.
I’m sure, but does that mean that they were all “perfect poops” as I like to call those rare treats (for myself, that is)?
All I can think of when I see a person driving with their yapper-type dog (Eddie Izzard!) on their lap is “That person has a dog’s probably-unwiped asshole touching their clothes!”
Honest follow-up: How do you either a) wipe your dog’s ass, or b) deal with that bare, unwiped ass sitting on your rug, couch or lap?
I thought that that gay Sam-dude was in Canada now.
Another honest question: Am I right in assuming that the only time a dog’s ass gets wiped is when they sit on something clothy like a rug, couch or someone’s pants?
Of course, anyone who is supporting either side of this sham political party system (as corporate subterfuge) is a waste of space.
Why bother? It’ll probably fuck you anyway, even if you’re married to someone else.
The same thing that drives the rest of the corporate-mindset world: the love of money to the exclusion of all else, including other human beings’ present or future condition.
Game, set and match.
But 100% of the people who trust Trump/Clinton trust them, and they can’t all be that stupid, can they?
NCAA = No Class At All
There ain’t no rehab for CTE, tho.