
Thank you. Thank you for standing up and (metaphorically) making noise. You are one of the good people making sure that the GOP *has* to be faced with their own lies and bullshit.

My office got seats for Hamilton next Friday with dinner beforehand. That is a pretty solid holiday party.

They all seem to remember it differently ...

Or maybe just ban work parties? Or have them in the afternoon, as a thing to do instead of working instead of a thing to do during what should be your free time?

When William got.married I was like eh, ok. I enjoy a large wedding spectacle, very royal, yes yes, whatever.

“Look at my fanart! This is you and this is Harry and this is me, as your child!”

This is Mickey Rourke and his friend, hairdresser-to-the-stars Giuseppe Franco, and they are actually not doing Zoolander cosplay. They’re just out and about.

Ann Curry will always be a classier Lady than me. This morning, I sat down on the couch with a cup of coffee, and my husband comes running out of the bedroom and goes “YOU ARE GOING TO BE SO EXCITED!” And I was like “wut?” And he yells “MATT LAUER GOT FIRED!” And then we danced around.

Pictured: the bar stool next to Bruce tomorrow at 3:05pm

I stopped watching Today after they fired Curry. They treated her like shit.

Some people vehemently disliked her, but I enjoyed Ann Curry. Her voice tended toward a low register, and that was soothing (especially compared to Matt’s sometimes-nasally chatter, and another chirpy host whose name I cannot be bothered to recall).

Poor Bruce...so much for enjoying his glass of wine in peace, thanks Page Six.

It’s because they are all about projection. They lie, therefore they are convinced we lie too.

A few months into the Trump administration, a WaPo journalist retweeted a call for the Trump faithful to inundate the paper with fake scoops to prove how easily fooled the reporters were and said basically, “Yeah, you guys have been trying this for months. We just haven’t printed any of your fake news because we

Every time I read about an over 40 yo male actor wanting to have kids, I think of all of the age-appropriate men on OK Cupid, etc. who would not consider my profile because I was not at an optimal babymaking age. And then I think of the known correlation between autism and older fathers, which I think is very

“as studios have been quick to distance themselves from the growing list of bad boys being outed in press reports”

I cut some slack for British and Australians, because their libel and slander laws are different from ours, and a lot more difficult to defend. The burden of proof is entirely flipped. Instead of the plaintiff arguing for why libel/slander has taken place, the defendant has to prove that a libel/slander HASN’T taken

I’m now in love with Lil Drac. And yes, he does rock.

She’ll probably be the only one saying sorry about working with Woody Allen. The rest (I’m looking at you Kate Winslet) will still work with him and then deny answering questions about their choice to work with him. Hum. So fucking disappointing.