
You shouldn't be allowed to graduate until you understand how compound interest works either.

To be fair people who blame the president, regardless of party, for directly affecting things like the economy or gas prices are pretty dim.

I learned a shit ton in Econ 101. It should be required in High School - and graduation denied if you don’t pass it. Then folks would stop blaming Biden for the inflation spike in ‘22.

I love it. We stayed under MSRP all through covid and after, no add ons and no markups. Our customers are in good shape and able to trade out because of it. But MANNNNN the FB car sales groups have a LOT of sales guys singing the blues, “My customer is 30k upside down in her 4 runner/bronco/telluride and she hates it

Thank you beta testers, we appreciate your hard work and purchase.”

Looking forward to the Cosplay.

No, it wasn’t “god” or any other paranormal entity that got him through what had to be a ridiculously difficult existence. It was medicine and his own perseverance. Drives me nuts when people want to be so humble as to ascribe their own agency to a non-existent omniscient being. 

Yeah.  This guy gets it. It's less a tiktok ban and more a force of ownership change. Nothing is likely to change

The same thing happened before with apps such as Grindr. It’ll just be sold to a non-Chinese company.

us govt can spy on you and detain you for unlimited time, no one cares

“Tragedy” sounds like quite a stretch to me.

Let’s be honest, TikTok isn’t going away anytime soon. If this passes, they’ll just move ownership to a US-based holding company or something else. No official ties to China but I imagine nothing else will change.

Gaming communities will survive - thrive, even - without TikTok. Get a grip.

Wasn’t Kotaku part of the crowed calling TikTok Chinese spyware back when it first came out. Is that no longer the party line?

Hypocrisy is the highest virtue to Conservatives.

Drugs.  Car company.  The 80s called, and they have a new John DeLorean.

Lemon failed to learn from Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman. When they interview Musk, they fellate his ego by lying and saying Grok is super cool and the Cybertruck is way rad and doesn’t look at all like a toddler designed it with crayons. Once the narcissist is satisfied, he gleefully talks about his drug use because he

I love that he was arrested the first time because he shared getting a pizza delivered and now he’s been arrested again because he blabbed to his friend that he was gonna run away. Keep postin’ through it, bro, you got this!

I get that Romania doesn’t exactly have the right to a speedy trial, but why would you let a probable rapist and sex trafficker wander around your country at will? What do you think he’s doing with his free time, running a soup kitchen?

Ah, shit. This dickhead’s still alive.