
Always those people who can’t deal with a singleplayer game being singleplayer...

Didn’t Ironheart finish shooting like 2 years ago?


The last two Deadpool films each made over $780 Million. This one added Wolverine.

If having women, people of diverse gender identities/ sexual preferences, and ethnic / racial /religious minorities in film and TV is “political” or NOT “family friendly”, the problem isn’t Disney. It’s you.

Are you kidding me? What you mean to say is that popular media no longer contains politics that you like.

All media is political, it’s ridiculous to act otherwise.

Not sure I agree with your Newsmax police work given the biggest box office hit of 2023 (to shake your snowflake brain, this is a transgender Barbie):

You mean: Elden Ring spirit ashes, kind of like offline pawns!

Multiplayer would ruin it.

Serious “original live action Sonic” vibes here.

People don’t like doing homework to experience the new hotness, but the secret is: if playing the first game in the series feels like homework, then probably the whole project isn’t for you. It’s not like they’re saying “You have to play 10 hours of text adventures with no voice acting to get into this” or “you have

You shouldnt play remake without playing OG7

I have a friend in Florida and from what he’s told me, there’s been significant instances of business owners who gleefully were for clamping down on the “aliens” and everything Meatball Ron hammered until it wiped out their work crew and cried “I didn’t think it would affect ME!”

Can you read The Two Towers without having read Fellowship? Sure, but you probably aren’t going to know what’s going on.

Should also be noted, florida passed extremely strict laws against hiring undocumented workers, it basically killed a chunk of their talent pool if im not mistaken

The irony with these chuds is they always seem to invoke Christianity and Jesus as the basis for their “family values”, and they get it completely wrong.

I wish more people realized this. Presidents don’t just flip a switch and the economy is fixed. They do a bunch of shit and pass it off to the next president to deal with. Obviously that is a huge oversimplification, but my point is that i wish more people looked at things more than surface-deep

“Our country is going in the wrong direction,” O’Donnell says in the video. “Toxic divisions are tearing our families and our society apart.”

O’Donnell told GamesBeat. “And I can have constructive conversations with those people. We don’t demonize each other.”

no inflation while the Orange Man was in office.