
The privileged white guy who was raised in apartheid-era South Africa is racist? Colour me shocked.

I just want to point out that this person has apparently been sitting behind bars since the Reagan administration. The Soviets were still in Afghanistan, the Berlin Wall was up, Libya blew up a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland, then thirteen years ago NATO helped some rebels overthrow that government as payback. Now I’m

Why not tulip bulbs ETF?

Because money and greed are valued more highly (and rewarded more highly) by our society than doing things properly.

Why is this racist, antiSemite in charge of such a large part of our space industry? The fact alone gives me goosebumps. 

I really wish he would reach the Howard Hughes hiding from the world recluse stage of whackjob billionaire. Or go to Mars. Or just die. The evil supervillian man baby schtick is getting really old.

So typical Alex Jones type advertisers?

Sure, but that doesn’t mean infected people can’t get pass it on before they starve to death. And after seeing how ‘take precautions’ worked with COVID, you really think everyone’s going to ‘believe’ that the infected are real and wouldn’t go poke one in the eye with a stick just to own the libs?

In the real world, hiring for diversity gets you just as much merit, plus a breadth of background and perspective you wouldn’t otherwise get.

Hell, Republicans today don’t even recognize the Republican Party in it’s current state.

I looked at it with ad blocker off and it looks like people selling survival things, various random aliexpress products, etc.

I will never get tired of this. On the one hand, “Everyone needs a job! Work work! Labor! That’s how we built this country!” On the other, “Hey, let’s just say that the 1s and 0s this machine spits out equals $42,500 once in a while.

giving the crypto world a bit win to start the new year.

No, but you should definitely brush up on your history of this country. You could probably start with LBJ, Goldwater at the 1964 CRA.

Spotted the 800 SAT-scoring loser.

Apartheid Elmo, a racist?

At this point it almost seems like hes saying shit just to troll people.  Hes a raging asshole for sure.. but christ, hes gone off the rails..  

You mean when Daddy had an emerald mine in a completely different country than where he was from? Did they steal it?

I suppose we’ll get to see which companies pull their advertising from Xitter after having kept it on there after the Jewish tweet.