
Sky News has journalists?

I’m pretty sure the British invented smugness :p

Let’s put our pitchforks and torches away for a moment’? What kind of a gaming site is this?

As a dad of two young boys, this drives me crazy. Just fucking live and don’t hurt anyone. Nothing else. You want to play Tetris? Fucking play it until your fingers bleed. You want to ride your bike? Ride it. I will never understand people’s need to downplay a kid’s (or an adult’s) passions. My parents had me second

So Square Enix, whose entire marketing strategy is going to TEDx conferences to look for random keywords they can slap onto their quarterly earnings reports will... continue to use this as their entire business model.

Most people aren’t familiar with neo-nazi rhetoric and symbology. Hell most people are only even vaguely aware that neo-nazis are actually a real thing that actually exists.

I think it’s a very reasonable position. It didn’t occur to me until someone else at Kotaku pointed it out ahead of publication. My default, having been a kid in the 80s, is that 88 means 1988. I think you could stop 50 people in the street and not one of them would know the number had any association with anything

Man, Final Fantasy XIV really is the only thing keeping that company in the black, isnt it?

Hire someone or learn how to draw. The stardew valley Dev learned how to draw all those sprites. All great things take hardwork. The problem with AI is it still requires human oversight and looks generic even if it didn't have the usual AI art flaws. 

What is the point of this question? It wasn’t a small indie dev that used it. It was a gigantic corporation with enough paper lying around to casually buy Activision with almost no threat to the stability of their company. 

I mean, it is just a tool..... A tool that companies will gladly utilize to eliminate jobs, wages, and benefits and increase their bottom line.

It’S jUsT a tOOl bRo!!

bUt iTs tHE WaVe oF thE fUtuRe, jUst AcCePt It, DOn’t cOMpLaiN

They’d rather produce absolute slop than pay a single human being.

Lmao. Whatever they used to generate this couldn’t decide if the kids were sledding or skiing so it just kinda did both? Or...neither?

Recycling the exact same argument you clowns used for NFT’s two years ago, I see. Well, I guess if you guys were capable of coming up with new ideas, you wouldn’t need AI.

Imagine simping for AI art and thinking you aren’t a massive cunt.

Not only are they willing to put out poor quality art just to save a few pennies, but they won’t even take the ten minutes or so to review the results before posting them. Their stupidity would be hilarious if they weren’t the ones steering the ship.

Next year $6 extra... after that$12. It’s a useless feature to me anyway since I’ve been downloading nearly everything I watch for about 15 years.

LOL “the beginning of the end for Amazon.” Ever heard of AWS? Amazon is literally 40% of the internet.