
It seems pretty clear that since we’re heading into an election year, there’s an effort by certain bad actors on the right to try to rebrand the conspiracy theories that got the base riled up in the past into new forms.  Like Pizzagate was not “Comet Ping Pong was involved in satanic child abuse at the behest of high

Facts don't matter. Say something often enough and loud enough and a third of the country will believe it.

Please, for the love of God. Stop. Playing. Overwatch. OW fans are the most masochistic self-hating whiniest, whinging little dorks. Why do you play just to hate yourself and the game? STOP GIVING THEM MONEY. 

One thing Pizzagate goobers never talk about is that the Comet Ping Pong gunman proved it was fake. He shot through a lock and found no hidden doors or sex dungeons, then said he was wrong about the whole thing. And Elon is still validating it seven years later.

Excellent article. But to this point “none of that seems to have inspired him to be any more careful about what he tweets”, does he have to be careful?  Advertisers are indicating that they are pausing putting ads on X.  They have jumped ship and returned before once the dust settles.  Capitalism is happy to cozy up

the shuttering of their competitive league tells you everything you need to know about the playability of OW/OW2. Going from 6 to 5 and basically calling an update a new game was the nail in the coffin for me. 

Yeah I went from BG3 to it and then from it to Cyberpunk 2.0 and its just doesn’t compare to either

Re-Stigmatize lusting after virtual characters.

If only we can get people to just relax and enjoy the show for what it is instead of having the whiny toxic fanboys relentlessly trashing it for every single thing that isn’t spot on to what their vision of the show should be.
Too many adaptations get ruined and prematurely canceled because of the overly vocal bitchy

That is the biggest problem I have with Bethesda, they are incredibly tone deaf and disingenuous towards valid criticisms. Yeah the moon was empty when humans visited it and ostensibly the rest of the galaxy is in terms of life but people were doing science and meaningful exploration in the real world. The motivations

I’m just hoping they show that people living in the wasteland have actually *built things* instead of living in the same half bombed out buildings from 200 years ago. Fallout 1 Shady Sands was a hand built town, but somewhere between Fallout 2 and 3 (coughBethesdacough) everyone forgot how to construct something that

While this is true, the biggest rebuttal to this is that people are sinking hundreds of hours in solo runs of BG3. I have almost 500 hours and I have yet to play multiplayer. And yet it’s not a live service game. Sometimes things are just fun, and you want to continue to enjoy them. Starfield isn’t bad, I thought what

I hope Dan Stapleton is a reasonable asshole over his 7/10 review being incredibly on-point once the initial awe wears off. The weeks of people digging up his old DNF review and shitting all over him for daring to note that Bethesda made an impressively large and otherwise pretty ok game that feels a bit dated in the

Starfield fails to capture the joy of wandering that Skyrim has. I don’t feel like I wasted my time with Starfield but I did (and do) enjoy No Man’s Sky substantially more. More damningly, I have no real intention of going back to Starfield, but I still have No Man’s Sky installed and spin it up from time to time.

“Your game’s boring? Well, try playing the exact same campaign except this time with a shotgun that does 25% more damage!”

These responses, Howard’s responses, and the game itself ... they all just SCREAM that this is a company whose leaders have no idea what’s going on in the world of videogames.

I don’t think the response is even “Well we think it’s super fun.” so much as “Oh, you’re probably just playing it the wrong way.”

Try creating different characters with backgrounds and characteristics that clash or are oppositive of your previous character.

the big issue I have found with starfield is that it’s just...tedious. does it make sense that materials have weight and your cargo bay has a max capacity? sure but why do my outposts also have a max capacity? making it incredibly difficult to actually make use of those materials?

Such an unbelievably bad look from them. Not that Bethesda has many good looks, but man. What on earth do they imagine is the value of responding to reviews saying “I dont think this game is fun” with “Well we think its super fun. Maybe the most fun, so, nyeh. -Bethesda”. Genuinely feels like Todd Howard’s massively