Myth not busted by 1 game that happens to be a Bethesda game on Steam.
Myth not busted by 1 game that happens to be a Bethesda game on Steam.
I swear he’s doing it on purpose at this point because people always bring up how it looks like Andrew Tate
Dreamcast solved this problem over 20 years ago
Just wait it’s less than a month away
Not to mention she’s stood by her pedophile brother and husband and used her wealth/fame to attack her husband’s accuser.
so brave
Other than Berserker ring(which would be skill based anyways) what accessories make you that much more powerful? The game is already easy. You losing 10% damage on a skill or reduced cooldown is not going to make or break you finishing a fight, especially if the game is dodging for you. There really aren’t any huge…
The internet and websites we frequent are just overall shittier than they were 10, even 5 years ago. More and more places disappearing, more and more consolidation with things being worse for the end user/customer.
good or bad, many games from German devs have been developed this way over the years because of gov. money.
man’s been chewing on gravel and I love him
Peaked in highschool in 2004
yolo get paid all this shit burning to the ground anyways
the “ this isn’t my FF” crowd are a bunch of fucking stoners
ehh I don’t know about that one boss. maybe not intentionally by choice for every person but that country is extremely brainwashed and have drank the kool aid. Just as much as you can say half or more of America is racist shit bags when they voted for Trump.
what’s the venn diagram of the same people that bitched about Hogwarts but bought D4?