What class are you playing? Dagger rogue is probably the most fun thing I did in an rpg like that. Magic all around is very strong and fun to play especially compared to 1 and 2. Melee mage even is unique and interesting.
What class are you playing? Dagger rogue is probably the most fun thing I did in an rpg like that. Magic all around is very strong and fun to play especially compared to 1 and 2. Melee mage even is unique and interesting.
I expect absolutely nothing out of DA4 or Bioware at this point. It may as well not exist and as of right now, it kind of doesn’t.
Because the mid and late game is really boring, AI is seemingly more stupid about common sense things and districts were a bad idea. Still like the game and hop on it from time to time but it doesn’t have nearly as many hours for me as Civ5 does.
reinstalling it now tbh
I very much regret now not getting a 2070 super when I could for msrp. All of the super cards are now double. It wouldn’t have been the best with RTX but at least I’d get to use DLSS on Cyberpunk cause that and Valhalla don’t give a FUCK about my 1070ti.
yes the gay options in Cyberpunk aren’t great. I think 1 actual romance and one prostitute? but don’t feel TOO bad because there’s only 2 romances period for each gender and it’s lacking overall for everyone.
I’ve beaten P5 twice and Royal once. I want to restart it just to listen to the music while playing through all the moments. It does something to me.
P5 has probably the soundtrack of all time, to me. Just playing through the game and hearing the music for the story moments, little interactions, palaces, various boss themes...all the new stuff in Royal. It hits me every time and I haven’t had music touch me in that way since the original Nier’s OST.
Queen Beast fight in 1 was wild even back then but I made it through. 3's Sisters fight is just a giant fuck you til the end of time. Still, watching a one shot run of the fight is amazing. Still incredible visuals and music. Shame it’s attached to such a broken game.
I’m not as worried about it since they changed up the Voodoo boys from their old lore so they’re at least aware that some of the trappings of 2020 were offensive/stupid back then and certainly outdated now.
Dogma is a slow opening but holy shit does the story go places. If it takes too long to pick up and you lose interest I understand. It’s a long enough game on its own but I think the payoff is well worth the slower more boring first 10ish hours or so. The 2nd half of the game truly goes places and I didn’t expect any…
Maybe not Western developed but have you checked out Dragon’s Dogma? If you can handle the jankiness maybe take a look at Divinity 2 Dragon Knight. I’d mention Original Sin 1 and 2 at the top of the list but those are turn based not action...
I noticed that early on and they have to fix it. I’m not one of those “but muh realism” goobers but that shit is too much.
There are lots and better ones than any of the Dragon Age games, what kind are you looking for? I love all 3 games for various reasons but each of them are seriously flawed.