
your loss

How many of those games are local multiplayer  with just 2 joycons? You would think being old board/card games you’d know but seems to be a lot of questions of what is local and what is online.

You’re on the internet. We haven’t had privacy in years. Everyone has your information whether you approved it or not. Privacy is an issue but I’m not sure Tencent is the hill to die on about it. There are far bigger problems.

Curious how many services and products you use that are directly tied to/wrapped up in Chinese money. Maybe you’re an outlier but it always amuses me when people bitch about Tencent or Chinese companies while talking to their friends in Discord.

32gb ram and I wasn’t playing it at 1440 before because I only had a 1080p screen. And it didn’t matter the settings driving down that main strip at night during the opening it was bad frame drops all over.

people joke about mental illness but...

well then I feel even worse because with a 1070ti and i5 7600k that framerate was all over the place at 1080 let alone 1440.

ok but does Mafia 3 run without massive frame drops on pc regardless of hardware and settings

he’s not wrong tho

cool how about they make 3 playable on PC and not be an unoptimized piece of shit.

looks like something REALLY good out of Garry’s Mod. Like someone spent 15 years making just this in Garry’s Mod.

her voice actress killed everything about that game up and down. she nailed all emotional bits she needed to and all the sarcastic asshole responses to people/situations was just too on point. I think I fell in love?

and that’s like 30% of the total combat in the game

I was really interested in it until I found out the combat makes up like 2 hours of the game and the rest is the VN. Now I knew it was an anime/VN with real gameplay but to find out there’s so little of it...

cannot wait to watch that game scream and pop at 60 fps and higher settings on pc later this year

and even if that was the intent with the Japanese voice, you don’t have to disembowel the localization with the spelling and speech for the English. You can convey that tone and characterization without dipping into parody territory.

and it’s not even really AMERICA it’s dumb white people shit. You ask any Spanish speaking person about latinx(so stupid to even type it out) and they look at you funny.

Remember, every hour spent dicking around Midgar on some fetch quest or talking to some random no body is one more hour that could’ve been spent outside of Midgar.