cool how about they make 3 playable on PC and not be an unoptimized piece of shit.
looks like something REALLY good out of Garry’s Mod. Like someone spent 15 years making just this in Garry’s Mod.
her voice actress killed everything about that game up and down. she nailed all emotional bits she needed to and all the sarcastic asshole responses to people/situations was just too on point. I think I fell in love?
and that’s like 30% of the total combat in the game
I was really interested in it until I found out the combat makes up like 2 hours of the game and the rest is the VN. Now I knew it was an anime/VN with real gameplay but to find out there’s so little of it...
cannot wait to watch that game scream and pop at 60 fps and higher settings on pc later this year
and even if that was the intent with the Japanese voice, you don’t have to disembowel the localization with the spelling and speech for the English. You can convey that tone and characterization without dipping into parody territory.
and it’s not even really AMERICA it’s dumb white people shit. You ask any Spanish speaking person about latinx(so stupid to even type it out) and they look at you funny.
Remember, every hour spent dicking around Midgar on some fetch quest or talking to some random no body is one more hour that could’ve been spent outside of Midgar.
it looks like a real game and not some mobile spin off. kind of impressed?
lol yes thought required to make sense of his messy writing, character developments and pacing.
yes and it’s still dumb all these years later. Then again so is Cloud and Tifa and basically every major named character in the Final Fantasy series.
Aren’t you only supposed to drink half the bottle at a time? Isn’t that the point of the redline inside?
the thigh game is strong
and yet we still can’t get one at MSRP