
I got super excited but PSO2 showing up on the Xbox stage of all places in 2019 saying hey it’s finally coming west was way more of a shock just because of the history of that game.

The one thing I was audibly holy shit

your loss

nailed it

priority to spit out 7 memecleaves with 2 of them being big dick cleaves

Both? WHM is going to have the highest dps of healers. AST just doing weaker heals and spitting out damage boosts(lost their variety) isn’t a gain in my book. I don’t main AST and rarely play mine so ultimately I don’t care but I really do enjoy the class as it stands now and the changes aren’t looking too hot.

With their higher, going by current numbers which will most likely not see any major changes until 5.1 at least, will be your number 1 pick followed by a SCH. AST just has a bunch of weak dmg buffs and can’t outheal either of the other two now or dps them while bringing tools.

Are you kidding? The meta just got flopped it’s going to be all WHM/SCH for all progression and serious savage groups. WHM is going to crank out stupid damage on top of raw highest healing and SCH with more toys and still shields. AST got the short end in all of this.

you’re making a mistake taking off for the early access period

The last time someone told me “It just works” we got Fallout 76

PC gamers talking about freedom and choice, all the options but then lock themselves to a single storefront.

would they be wrong for shitting on the divine beasts though?

let’s be real, majority of people who emulate do not actually own the thing they are emulating. I’m good with emulation, I think it’s a necessity, but let’s not pretend that very few people do it the legal way.

what strategy though? there are dungeon bosses with more mechanics in Cata or Mists than the entirety of Vanilla content. We’ve had videos out for years now on every little bit of information on old WoW so there is no discovery or mystery. It’s all going to come down to a gear check and if someone can press the 6 or 7

the thing is though, we’re all adults now with jobs and have bill n shit. nobody has time for that

“[T]he raid running at 60 fps is very different than the raid running at 30 fps,” one Reddit user wrote, while assessing why the raid was so much tougher on console than PC. They noted that encounters in the raid seemed to rely on players being able to quickly turn and aim without resorting to taking cover,

E3 is gonna be wild next month

Metzen is daddy. Thrall is Green Jesus.

yes but that’s what many of us grew up with and see every time we replay the game. why mess with it?