

Thought you just experienced some disappointment? why add to it?

I’d sub for BoF2 and Link to the Past.


that all sounds really dumb

millions of Chinese and Russian bots/hackers you mean

Damn that’s like a quarter of the people playing. Risky.

The English VO of 12 is one of the best parts of it next to the music and world building. Fran and Balthier were every reason to play that game turned up.

Well that isn’t happening. Leveling post 50 isn’t fun and it’s super slow. I did every DLC quest last month and barely got a level. I don’t know how people are sitting at 70.

but are they wrong?

something something sjws something something pandering

out of how many failed and canceled projects? Where is Morrowblivion and Skyblivion again?

Projects like these almost never get finished, especially when recording dialogue is involved.

So it’s still not getting finished.

Not even a genre I really care for but the visuals are what has me wanting to buy it. Visually I know it will be a wild ride and short so it won’t overstay its welcome for the type of game I don’t really care for.

then it was a bad one