
How about union leaders using the dues properly, instead of fat salaries for themselves and donations to the Democratic Party?

I doesn’t see wgy copy edits is needed 4 on-line news out let .

Seeing way more video content here recently. Please tell me you guys (Jez/Giz/etc. You will forever be the “Gawker family” to me. Fuck you Thiel) aren’t trying to go the same way. Not everyone can watch clips and video at work. While I can do so, I hate receiving content like that. I want to read it. Pretty sure the

Oh another “Sandy Hook set a precedent” comment. Cute. Spend time researching school shootings in history.

Just adopt a fucking dog, Christ. My dog is better behaved and better looking than 99% of the “pure” breeds that make up his genetics and I got him from a goddamned shelter.

: /

I don’t agree with this, after being a part of an union for upwards of 11 years and not seeing any benefit I have to say that unions are not the panacea they are claimed to be.

And how is that information irrelevant to the current situation? It’s also senseless that he was deported twice and got back in and (presumably) was employed. It doesn’t make anyone a racist to think that illegal immigrants are a problem.

I might as well say it before the greys do: the person who killed Jackson was deported twice from the country and undocumented. Regardless: the death was senseless and the loss of life much too soon.

In 2008 the Dems had all three branches with a veto proof majority for about 70 days. And that relied on two dying old men being able to vote. And relied on Joe Leiberman who directly told Obama that if single payer was in the bill he’d destroy the whole thing.

...at least the Democrats want to cauterize the wound where your arm used to be instead of leaving you by the road to die.

Remarkably stupid blog post, you’re welcome.

I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

It’s weird to me that people believe a) the Patriots are huge cheaters who were caught cheating by the NFL, and b) the NFL rigs games for the Patriots. It’s not unlike believing that the FBI nailed Hillary for her dangerous and flagrantly illegal e-mail server, and also that they secretly were trying to sink Trump’s

The play was flagged, and it remains to be seen if Trevathan will be fined and/or suspended.

It will preserve the beloved mortgage interest tax break for homeowners—

CTE will soon be the new climate change.

No, the Yankees are not at fault.


The autoplay videos above the headlines are becoming a real problem. I tried reading this 3x and kept getting pulled up to the top mid-read.