
I suspect you would support gerrymandering if the shoe was on the other foot.

America today needs help more than the poor and minority citizens of red states, no matter who they were suckered into voting for.

“...to boost testosterone and thereby enhance their performance”

“Psst...They’re having sex.”

I was thinking the same thing. They’re certainly not the svelt hunting machines on Nat Geo. On the other hand, maybe it has something to do with the wintery climate in which they appear to be living.

My bachelor’s degree in business (that I completed and paid for while working full-time and becoming a new father at 39-years-old) isn’t from an Ivy League school.

Thank you for the excellent and thorough explanation of how off-base, so to speak, this new rule is. However, it begs the question: What if everyone followed rules that are already in place?

This year marked David Littman’s third time attending the Young Democratic Socialists conference. He took a 14-hour bus ride from Savannah, Georgia, where he lives with his parents.

I initially thought this guy came across like a pompous windbag, and he may well be, especially given his seemingly cavalier dismissal of thousands of victims of the hypocrite revolutionary Castro’s socialist regime.

I was going to make a Ray Rice joke, but hestitated.

Hamilton Nolan: Pro-Union Supply-Side Reluctant Brooklynite Transplant Gentrifier

“Unionize, if possible.”

“America’s Democrats have dutifully voted for you for decades now even though you always dove to the right like a soccer goalie as soon as the primaries were over.”

“All we need to do is funnel wealth to the poor.”

They want the appearance of danger, but not any actual danger. Boring...

And you keep to your Krugman editorials...

Trump Will be bad for the average worker, huh? So a candidate campaigning (and winning) on the anti-globalist platform of retaining and even creating jobs for Americans, AND meeting with industry execs, even before his inauguration, is bad for the average worker?

“Don’t put yourself in the service of someone who might let you down.”

“...instead of just appealing to urban millennials like Bernie and Hillary did.”

Mr. Nolan, Nick Denton stated in an April 16, 2015 Politico Media article that he was “intensely relaxed” with the idea of a union at Gawker. Did any Vice Media employees involved in the union vote consider, in retrospect, that Denton and Tommy Craggs were so “intensely relaxed” with the union idea because they were