
Neither's looking at porn, but I'm sure the NSA has a file on me documenting that!

They'd be a group of people who hate The 100 for having a character like Lexa to begin with.

Also because Dwayne McDuffie's first major contribution to comics was creating Damage Control. The team kind of needs a black guy named "Mack" on it.

Tell that to Josh Trank.

Because it's sterile and they like the taste.

It might, assuming that was all intended. Most Wanted's showrunner Paul Zbyszewski wrote this episode.

You're not wrong, but that's not entirely fair, either. Cuban-Americans have traditionally been more welcome in the Republican party than any other Latino group. It's not until recently that they started moving to the left, but that's mostly due to how overwhelmingly younger voters support Democrats.

Astoundingly poor execution. The thing about these series is that it all sounds good on paper (well, maybe not Hulk and the Agents of SMASH), but falls apart when in motion, mainly due to those four reasons I stated above.

"Nonlethal bullets, my only weakness!"

How did it kill your enthusiasm?

Well, what do you expect out of a personal list?

Somewhat. The Sokka and Aang look a little younger than they were in the Yakone flashback in Book 1. That only time we saw that Aang or that Katara (any Katara that wasn't a woman in her 80s) was in the family photo, the one with Baby Tenzin. I don't remember seeing that Zuko anywhere.

Remember how back in 2012, right after Book 1 ended, Bryke brought a picture of the Gaang all grown up with them to Comic Con? Strange how we never saw those designs in this series at all.

I love the brief cameos from Tahno and Sparky Sparky Bush man during the King's Prince's speech and wished there were more. A similarly brief appearance from Toza, the Triple Threats, Ginger, the Lieutenant and Hiroshi in jail, and a few other characters we haven't seen in a long while during that montage would've

"That said: what shall we call Kuvira's Jaeger?"

Gorgon got quills after he underwent Terrigenesis a second time, but Gorgon is a dude and burly while Ruth Negga is neither of those.

The DVD commentary says the character is supposed to be Quill and crediting him as Kid Omega was a typo.

Scorch's powers were explained in a passing comment about a nuclear accident.

Let us never forget his wise words: