
That comparison doesn't work out. Hitler was elected into office and began granting himself greater powers, as well as filling as many offices as he could with fellow members of the Nazi Party. He didn't unilaterally declare himself the head of state during Hindenburg's swearing-in ceremony. Nor did he make a speech

Toph had that early encounter with Iroh and the rest of the Gaang to temper some of her more reckless tendencies. Korra is much closer to Toph when we first met her.

It doesn't matter to the rest of the world that she overthrew a monarch they all supported, called the basis for their rule "archaic," and threatened them all if they interfered in her business?

I never said they were perfect analogues, just that I see a lot of Toph's attributes in her.

I mentioned this last week, but I've always seen a lot of Toph in Korra. Headstrong, a bit too willing to get into a fight, and resentful of how overprotective the adults in her life are towards her.

Young Justice had gay characters even if they couldn't allude to it all that much. Let's see what Bryke can pull off when they're in "fuck it, we're getting cancelled" mode.

Decorum was already broken when she overthrew her king moments after he was crowned.

Good to see Toph's still her old self, even making blind jokes every so often. Her line about her daughters never really getting metalbending was the biggest laugh of the episode. And I loved the irony of Toph putting herself in one of the most remote places in the world so she could be the most in touch with it.

Don't worry, it's only a brief reprieve. And I can't figure out how to change the avatar (heh…avatar) on my AV club account, so it's just my general disqus profile that's got the new picture. I haven't merged them yet.

I've always seen her more like Toph. Headstrong, a bit too willing to get into a fight, and resentful of the protective attitude the adults in her life have towards her.

*groans, upvotes*

Just cheer yourself up by remembering the Arrow premiere. Sokka's death doesn't hurt as much after that.

Lin? Toph finally got her field trip with Zuko after all those years. She got to ride his dragon.

It's up there. The last scene of the episode alone warrants that. Zuko struggling with who he is, denying his identity for most of the episode, only to give in to it at the end to save the town that then casts him out because of it. It's the perfect encapsulation of Zuko's internal conflict throughout the series.

They both have a similar theme of that character struggling with their identity and place in the world.

This episode never quite reaches the other's emotional highs. No jaw-dropping moments like Zuko giving in to his identity as the crown prince of the Fire Nation and unleashing his firebending talents against Gow after spending the rest of the episode denying that. No gut punch like the town he just saved rejecting him

If there is any one moment that exemplifies the phrase "Shit just got real," it's Zuko whipping out his firebending to take down Gow.

By titling this episode "Korra Alone," it's hard not to draw comparisons to A:TLA's "Zuko Alone." This is almost an unfair comparison to make because it's one it's destined to lose. "Zuko Alone" is one of that series' best episodes and one of the best episodes of television ever produced, and this episode can't quite

Meanwhile, Skye is the anti-Smoak.

Challenge accepted.