
* Hershel's death was different
* Tyreese is still alive
* Different Lilly
* Lilly shot him for a different reason
* Lilly didn't shoot Lori
* Rick still has both hands
* Darryl Dixon is a person that exists

Little Asskicker died under very different circumstances in the comics.

I pretty much loved this episode. I loved seeing the safety of the prison crumble (literally). I loved the cameo from Clara at the end. I loved the fakeout where it looked like Darryl got bit. Hell, I even loved psychopath Lizzie suggesting the small kids get some guns and they started shooting too.

I disagree with that assessment of the Season 3 finale. It was pretty well translated that the fight wasn't with Woodbury, but with the Governor. And it thematically worked. The season was about Rick becoming increasingly shut off and untrusting of outsiders, contrasted with the Governor's development. Rick's personal

I'm going to like your comment twice because I am somehow able to do that.

For my hand, maybe. But I just saw one of my favorite series reach a serious low point.

Maybe not bad, but certainly strange.

I got what the episode tried to tell me. In this universe, someone can be severed from their past lives. It's bullshit that it can happen, but it's still what the show gave us.

Her connection to Wan is gone. She says it herself. She cannot be completely severed from Wan and still have his soul as part of her.

By some people I meant those who entered the spirit world through the portals. Why it makes any difference doesn't make sense except for the very simply reason that Bryke wanted people bending in the Spirit World.

Not anymore, since Vaatu was somehow able to beat the past Avatars out of Raava. This show's understanding of reincarnation is not the same as it is in our world. It's not the first time they've played around with real-world concepts.

Neither should Korra now she's no longer connected to Wan through Raava.

It's not a suggestion, it's what the show gave us.

I'm not projecting any kind of assumption. The finale showed that Vaatu destroyed the Avatar line as it existed in Raava. Raava is part of Korra's soul, and the part of her soul that contained Wan and the successive Avatars is gone. That was explicitly stated in the finale.

Human beings from the furthest removed cultures can find common ground. Diversity in life is a good thing. But Spirits aren't human, so the point is moot.

It has, and it bothers me that this show thinks Korra is still worthy of being the Avatar.


I'm not alone in thinking that Nick screwed this Book over by doing some weird things with when it airs.

The Tree became the Tree of Time because the plot demanded it. Also, it's a tree. Should I start questioning if everything we see has some kind of magic, never explored powers that turns people into giant versions of themselves?

Aang didn't defeat Ozai when he entered the Avatar State. He triumphed over him when he decided not to go into the Avatar state and ended the war without betraying his principals.