Khal Drag A Hoe

No, ad hominem attacks = you calling me stupid and whatever name. Ketchup, mustard.

Guy? You think I'm a man? I'm a woman! A black woman!

I'm bored, this is entertaining, and I enjoy upsetting racist white folks, but I don't care in some deep, profound way that if you stop talking to me, my life is worse. It's probably for the better, tbh. I need to read some new books.

Then stop talking to me, lol. You're kind of egocentric if you assume that I want you to talk to me or your attention means something to me. I'm sure I don't mean a thing to you [I at least hope not] and you don't mean shit to me.

Like… you think I care if you do or don't? Who the fuck are you to me, lmao.

Then stop talking to me. Lol. No one is forcing you to.

Also, it's funny that you call me Trump yet… You're liking your own comments. That's pretty Trump of ya.

And you said "racists have said because black people say the n-word, i can say it too!"

Yes, yes you did. You said the N-word perpetuates racism. You said that in your comments a LONG TIME AGO.

Once again, do you genuinely believe that if the word was erased from human language, America would become significantly less racist? That there wouldn't be another racist word to replace it? That institutionalized racism would disappear? That there would be less hate crimes?

How am I the bad guy for being a black person and saying the n-word? I'm not oppressing anyone. I'm not hurting anyone's feelings when I call them the n-word. I'm not making them feel inferior to me when I call them the N-word.

It's not "racism" to say that black people can only say the N-word. Racism is this belief that you are intrinsically superior AND with that belief, you systematically oppress people.

I do have an emotional attachment to a word that can be terrible if used by white people but it's unifying in the hands of black people.

Do you GENUINELY believe that if black people stop saying the n-word, racists will stop saying the n-word and then racism will disappear?

The cessation of black people using the N-word isn't going to eliminate racism or diminish it because there will always be a term and/or phrase in place to make someone feel inferior. It's not going to stop the school to prison pipeline system. It's not going to stop Stop and Frisk or police brutality.

That makes me really sad; soundcloud is a place where you can find unique as hell music.

You're acting like if black people magically STOP SAYING THE N-WORD, the world will somehow become a better place and racism will be gone.

1. In context of you reading a book, it's not harmful, per se. But most white people would avoid it.

A lot of white people [AND MEN] like to do this; tell someone to "Stay on task" and you ignore intersectionality. I get it, it's privilege.

Word usage will be restricted to a group as long as inequalities exist.