What episode was this?! I missed this!
What episode was this?! I missed this!
By "interesting", you mean hotter? Cause I think you mean hotter.
My husband and I watch SNL every Sunday morning while we drink our coffee and every Sunday morning we wonder aloud why we still bother.
I don't have the slim, boyish body type that looks best in a suit. I'm so jealous of the women who can pull it off because that shit is dapper as hell.
Not making yourself sexually available to someone = being a terrible human.
The Amy Schumer sketch about women being unable to accept compliments from one another seems like a much better and funnier version, where the joke is not "women are inexplicably and unfixably crazy" so much as "here's a collective female neurosis (whose origins are pretty clear) that we can and should work ourselves…
I want the last lady in my bed and that suit in my closet! Brown prime of wales for the win!
I want a tux SO BAD but I have no idea where I would wear it.
The complaint of leggings "not being pants" has always confused me. Skirts and dresses are also "not pants" and yet, no outrage from basic comfort-hating losers???
I've always wanted to dress like this. Androgyny ftw.
Well then, it obviously wasn't a very good joke, which is part of my main point. Thanks for dragging this out for nothing! :)
GODDAMN I love over-sized sweaters. I've bought like 345872457 this fall. H&M has been my jam, they've had some bitchin' cheap ones.
Well then, it's a "joke" that they are constantly using on almost a daily basis with their news headlines. How funny.
New anthropologie catalogue?
Kittens are pretty uncoordinated, I assume because they grow really fast so they're constantly having to adjust to body changes. My younger cat still misses his target about half the time because he got fat, even though I think he's at full size. Also a lot of Bun Bun's body language is defensive posturing; I like to…
ya the reason for that is obviously boobs dont work that way on their own. the only thing really holding them up as high as they are is that thin piece of fabric covering them. the cosplay is more realistic, the game model defies grivity.