
Ford is looking to reduce weight from all of their vehicles and one of the technologies is Friction Spot Joining from Kawasaki Robotics. Developed to keep the exterior aluminum skin of the bullet trains from peeling off at high speed as rivet technology allowed. It also leaves a smooth surface to reduce air

In Canada we savor the Beaver!

Quality Metal Craft in Livonia has the capabilities!

Today is Memorial Day here in the U.S.. For those of you living outside our borders and unfamiliar with the holiday, it's a day in which we honor those who served our country for, most likely, kicking your country's butt. Yeah, we've been in fights with pretty much everybody - and we're not liking that stink-eye

I thought the new GMC's had an angry clown face front end, but this Nav in white shows a angry robot clown face!

I would not say intentional, but he did down shift causing the crash. Not sure about the throttle jamming, maybe it did and he panicked.

Mot a car but my daily driver is my 97 E-150 approaching 500k Km's. Takes 6 1/2 hours to change the plugs due to the tight engine bay.

Now playing

It is cool watching the Kawasaki Robots help build these trucks, and anything in general. They are also in the new Transformers movie at the 11 sec mark of trailer.

Send them to Canada!

So Ackbar creates the potholes! I get it now.

Same here, must be technology they don't want in Canada! Cause we are so bad.....EH!

The auto industry has created many innovations in your grand parents lifetime up to this websites report! If a new battery plant is created due to a need from the auto industry, why kill the innovator industry?

Its a good way to show off the factory rim options!


Here is how I improved gas mileage by up to 50%