
I know, and its like obviously there are no actual Sudanese royalty to write about like Amanirenas who faught and won battles against the Romans and Egyptians or any other of the amazing Sudanese warrior princesses and queens. The title for these warrior queens was Kandake which is actually one of the origins of the

Some argue that he laid some of the more recent groundwork for the racial injustice still pervasive in Baltimore.

So then in other words the situation is not more complex than “white people taking African land” because that is precisely what it is.

Umm citation, I literally read neither government has made a statement on the matter.

You don’t honestly think that no PoC wanted to live in the suburbs, do you? White flight was absolutely forcing PoC to live in cities (and particular areas of them too). It’s called red lining.

Kind of a false and misleading oversimplification... White people first pushed PoC into the cities because they saw the suburbs as more desirable. Now they are trying to push PoC out of the cities because they changed their mind.

CIA made them remove the most damming stuff from the film and they made them rewrite it, also in the film they used phone calls from victims of 9/11 and they didn't ask the victims family if they could use it. A lot did see it as propaganda.

Not use your money to reinforce segregation and racist community standards? White flight which was enabled by the racist system of red line laws, tore the tax base out of inner cities leading to gaping holes in the funding for infrastructure and schools. Now rich white folk are moving back into the cities and pushing

Leaving voluntarily is a hell of a lot different that being evicted or forced out.

Zero Dark Thirty was marketed as non-fiction. However, Bigelow changed the script to reflect the CIA as heroes trope. The motivations, like the explosion at the hotel and other major plot points were, in fact, complete fabrications. None of the reasons that movie provides for military or CIA reactions, including

Everything I’ve read in the last three years on gentrification says that it is about race, because that is how it works out. Gentrification is not a rising tide lifting all boats, it’s a process that turns diverse neighborhoods white. That’s how it works in NYC and everywhere else.

I’m all for increased opportunitites for women to direct, but I’d be happy if none of them went to smarmy propagandist Kathryn Bigelow.

Sorry there champ, no one is telling these scrubs that they aren’t authentic. We’re saying that racism won’t end because we ignore it. And other stuff but you can look that up yourself. Lol just kidding, I know you won’t.

Nah, if you really listen, he was #AllLivesMatter-ing all up and through the promotion for Selma.

As a Black Man with a White Name, White Speech Patterns and White Mannerisms (I was raised this way by a Mother and Father who knew the shitty world they lived in) I totally agree with you. This race thing is just so stupid!

I get great phone interviews, and often get told: The in person interview is a formality! Then

Now playing

Reminded me of this. Which is funny AND educational.

Yeah but when people say that it’s a low key way of saying, “Please stop talking about racism because it makes me uncomfortable”. Dismissing what’s happening now will not change the future. Again, tell the white people all of this, “we are all one race” bullshit. Not the black people who are yelling, “we are all one

It doesn’t actually exist.

Common has some shares in Starbucks and he went on the daily show around the time the race together campaign came out.

Maybe ask white people why we can’t all be people.