Be careful out there ladies.
Be careful out there ladies.
I just read the NYT profile on Kris Jenner and it mentioned that she met Robert when she was 17 and he was 11 years her senior so that definitely makes more sense why she wouldn’t be causing a fuss over this relationship.
She made it very clear that she doesn’t identify as Black. She certainly likes to make money off of Blackness, and throw around racial slurs, though. She has also made it very clear that she should go fuck herself.
When was the last time you saw people on Jezebel attacking a woman who was raped & beaten and instead going on to have a ‘pity party’ about abused men? This post is not about him abusing anyone. So we’re supposed to ignore the fact that he was raped when he was 9 years old? To pretend there is no cycle here? The self…
The people in the comment section even refused to acknowledge it as ‘rape’ as though it was his choice. I do not know if that’s simply because he’s a boy, or a black boy. We still have a long way to go.
Hey, no judgment. Even Lennon needed a McCartney.
Please, you’re more of a Great Value lemon pepper. Don’t play yourself.
I agree, and that’s exactly the heart of the problem. When we see something terrible or atrocious, we need to try and make sense of it in a way that pins it on the Other, the Not-Me. Saying that everyone violent must be mentally ill distances ourselves from those acts... except for those of us who have mental…
What? No. There’s no indication here of mental illness. Jumping to “oh they must be crazy” isn’t helpful, it buys into the stigma that any awful or shitty or violent behavior comes from a mental illness when in fact the mentally ill are no more likely to be violent than the general population (but far more likely to…
Maybe my words are coming across as more vitriolic than was intended, but I’ve re-read my posts and really don’t see hostility.
You are hilariously salty. Like, relax. It’ll be alright.
I’m sorry, and I appreciate your non-incendiary comment. But I have to tell you that this person is inhabiting a bizarre persona, maybe similar to that person who posts about her husband’s BMW and son at Harvard.
“Living in Frankfurt, which is a great multicultural city (especially compared to München)...”
I’m sorry, but, you’re totally making all of this up. I’m from München, and we (and everyone else in the entirely far less provincial rest of the country) is very well aware of both “racial descriptions” and the ascription of power to white men. What a weird thing to make a troll post about.
Note, however, that any environmental savings dishwashers have from the water is offset by the environmental damage done by the electricity and the pollution necessary to create some of the components.