Is it naive to hope that there will be some oversight to this police force by the larger government? I'm anxious to see if Obama will make a statement on this or if he'll stay as far away as possible.
Is it naive to hope that there will be some oversight to this police force by the larger government? I'm anxious to see if Obama will make a statement on this or if he'll stay as far away as possible.
I just don't want this to be. Just undo it. Reverse. Get a goddamn time machine. This just can't be. It doesn't feel real.
Someone is claiming to be attacking other Gawker sites on Jezebel's behalf, but it's an obvious frame job if you ask me.
I'm really struggling with this. Maybe because my boyfriend and brother both struggle with depression. Maybe because his daughter is very close to my age and because that Zelda game trailer with her and her father is adorable. I just feel devastated and want to reverse it but I can't. I had my first real bout with…
Since sexual assault has less to do with sexual attraction and more to do with power, I fail to see how this guy isn't a risk to *any* human he represents.
I think the bottom line is that most people with the same personality disorder would not do this.
I am not a huge fan of Feminist Frequency because I feel like she intersperses sound arguments with nit-picking that makes her an easy target for guys who don't want to pay attention to her more legitimate points. At the same time, sexism in the video game industry is a glaring issue that sometimes defies common…
That sounds like a narcissist! I'm sorry to hear that you were laid off and hope that better jobs awaited you.
I also had an ex-friend who bragged about being a narcissist like all the time. Shouldn't have surprised me when she had no time for anyone else's problems (despite the hours me and our mutual friends would spend talking her off cliffs, she had zero time for any of us when we needed support).
I tend to view my romantic relationship as a social contract where my boyfriend and I are constantly negotiating the terms. I love my boyfriend and I don't want to date anyone else but I also know that my social contract of dating can be flexibly applied to a lot of different people. A lot of it boils down to having…
That is pretty much what I was wondering. Took the words right out of my mouth. Hard to prove direction of the relationship...
There's also Why Am I Dead, on Newgrounds, a free flash game where you possess people in order to find your murderer.
Like other people have said, testosterone has been connected to aggression. However, there is a social component here that has to do with entitlement and privilege. As a little girl growing up, I received constant socializations - that my brother did not - that were designed to turn me into a submissive, docile…
What do you mean allegedly? He either has or hasn't. If it was officially confirmed, there would be no bones about it since something like a revoked visa and ordered to be deported is pretty clear-cut. Also not enamored of your impression that every Saudi Arabian family is like that. And yeah, still gonna be…
My heart breaks not only for this kid, but the other kid that got tackled because he was running away from an explosion. He just witnessed a traumatizing event like everyone else, he was scared out of his mind, and to make matters worse someone tackles him and then the police are questioning him. It drives me crazy to…
He's an older runner. My guess is that his balance and muscle strength are not what they used to be.
Do they think science is magic?
Sun is okay in small amounts. Tanning in a salon is never okay. It's genuinely dangerous, and that's no scare tactics.
Yes. Apparently there have been other sex scenes in this comic that Apple didn't raise an eyebrow at.
That is...a very sexual outfit.