
This is what boggles me - that they actually *chose* to state their bias in rejecting her, when they could have achieved the same goal without spurring this sort of controversy if they just pretended they didn't like her academics or anything. It's like they went out of their way to be extra rude to her about her

I agree about A.I., and I almost wish that people would just pretend that the last 20-30 minutes don't exist. I think it would be considered a classic otherwise. I'm basing this on the fact that I remember bawling like a baby, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. It caused one burly guy in front of me to choke out

I agree! I think it's a lot more difficult because the expectations are higher, in my opinion. I can see Peter Jackson just nodding and smiling politely. Every little decision has the potential to alienate the rabid fanbase. I don't think the first Avatar set a particularly high bar in the writing department, either.

How did I not know about this?! It sounds like my new favorite thing. Not only do I love the concept - the best spoofs are where there's a lot to spoof - but Stephen Fry and Rupert Grint feels like getting a two in one deal! Awesome. :)

Yes, and I will probably love it, just knowing my own tastes, but it still makes me sad...

I am torn because the concept art of this looks like a rehash of Tangled and yet Tangled was one of my personal favorite movies to come out in the last decade (note I didn't say best, just *personal* favorite - as in, this is a rare movie that I can rewatch over and over and only like more).

I love how the worst crisis experienced by the protagonist is the pain of waiting in lines.

That makes me sad. Seems like you haven't been reading the right first person books...

Dude, don't assume that books with female protagonists are for guys! Are books with male protagonists for guys? I don't think people would typically make *that* assumption.

Man, what I've taken from this is that Game of Thrones still looks interesting even when people work very hard to make it look un-interesting.