I constantly ask, now if he was a woman, would he be on the air?
I constantly ask, now if he was a woman, would he be on the air?
Agreed - she sounds too naive to get the truth of what he’s saying. Also, she seems unaware that sociopaths and psychopaths are inordinately practiced at “charm.”
Yeah, I love the way he assumes facts not in evidence. Good people were trying to hide their Jewish neighbors. When you’re designing a system to exterminate your neighbors, you’re not good because you do it behind a desk or pick up milk on the way home. It’s his own creepy way of stacking the argument by controlling…
I love that MM got out of a bad situation and is having another turn in the spotlight. She looks strong and happy. The interview she just gave with Milo made them both look smart and hilarious and smokin’ hot. I’m envious of her and inspired by her.
I don’t know, I’ve never known a dog to bark for 20 minutes if they were eating or playing with their human, or having their tummy scratched. Dogs can absolutely and normally and humanely be quiet. Barking has a purpose and if they’re barking incessantly, it means their humans aren’t paying attention to what they’re…
Agreed - it sounds like the owner doesn’t care for either his or her neighbors, any more than they care for his or her dog. No surprise that one goes with the other. Sheer narcissism.
This might actually be part of the problem. Dogs like to den and need a smaller space to do so. Being in a big empty space with none of their pack around is driving them crazy.
Attack the attackers, Trump’s strategy. Always on offense.
It’s not like she didn’t have access to role models. Gwyneth Paltrow dropped out of UC Santa Barbara to act and run her Goop empire.
My theory is that the whole state exists in reaction to one another. The goodie-two-shoes are excessively so in order not to be “those” people. The non-goodies drink to great excess and party like it’s 1999 so as not to be confused with the rigid goodies. Both use socially approved violent opportunities like Utah-BYU…
These were not novels I could get into, maybe because I’ve known too many difficult, cruel, and needy women in my family, at work, and in friendships. Hardship is one thing but if I’m going to spend time with characters in a book, they have to interest me more than Ferrante’s did.
It depends on your intended major. USC has a very well-supported film school, music school, music industry management program, marine biology program - many kinds of programs that are well-known, have a strong alumni network, good industry connections. There are lots of areas in which it would make a better bet than…
You hit it - it’s the creepy manipulation of “now don’t reject me, bitch!”
First-hand knowledge - some of the parents do exactly that! What’s the point of having employees if you can’t direct them to do your kid’s homework and write their papers?
Yes, I’m thinking tonight of a family I know well who got one child into Harvard by threatening to withhold donations they’d been making all through high school (and were slated to make while the child was a college student). They got the second student into UCLA with a letter from a learning disorder specialist who…
I liked the movie enormously. That said, when I googled Lee Israel, I was taken aback that they made Melissa McCarthy, who is such a gorgeous gal, into such a schlump. Lee Israel was an older woman but in no photo that I’ve seen was she a schlump. If anything, she was a bit dramatic, given to graphic prints and dark…
I too enjoyed the truth-telling, although in my case, it’s the siblings. Somehow it always revolves around them, drunk or “sober,” and it always will. Disengage!
The idea that travel to India while pregnant isn’t considered a health issue for a prospective mother in her 30s seems weird. I wouldn’t dream of asking a friend to do that - I’d simply never put them in that position, particularly when my wedding was going to be days and days of photo ops, noise, crowds, unfamiliar…
Especially acting it out in front of his girlfriend. Bradley has a “sensitivity chip” missing. Additionally, they missed an opportunity to showcase the song in some other interesting way - they tried to recreate the film onstage. I guess it worked for some and they’re getting a lot of social media mileage out of it,…
When MJ’s first trial was happening, I recall having a casual conversation with a UCLA-based psychologist over lunch in which I expressed skepticism (“it must be about the money, right?”). He said, no, when people don’t have normal sexual relationships - which all the adults in MJ’s life agree he didn’t have - they…