
When he was in high school, my husband, Kyle, had really long hair and a slimmer body type. At a big venue concert, some awesome person actually spiked his drink believing Kyle was a girl. Kyle figured it out when, after one beer, he got dizzy, started falling over, and began to black out. Some guy quickly appeared


Spotted these in Target last week and actually took a picture to prove to People Who Would Care As Much As Me (also know as, Jezebel). Two racks down from the crop tops. You're like a prophet.


This sums ups all of my feelings about this and everything else in the world today.

Dr. Ruth for the win. And omg, Coco is GORGEOUS.

Hmmmm. Okay. I have been thinking about this all morning and trying to decide how I feel. (Quickly, about my background: I was raised in a really conservative Christian environment and while I still have a firm faith of my own, neither my politics nor my religious practices match up with my family's. This is a huge

My husband has been counting down for Lucy for MONTHS. I'm not sure he even knew who Scarlett Johansson was until he saw the first trailer but he is so excited for this movie. I won't tell him because it would spoil it but it warms the cockles of my heart that all his picks for movies lately are female-led (Hunger

Yeah, Stewart is approaching an aspect of Japanese culture from a privileged Western criticism that is really not accounting for, well, a lot. I'm pretty comfortable giving him the benefit of the doubt here, though, as I really believe he is a generally super pro-woman dude with a huge interest in dismantling power

I think this is definitely the way to do it if you absolutely don't need THINGS but do need money.

Okay, on the one hand — I've shelled out for my share of weddings. These days, unless I know the couple well or particularly gravitate towards something on their registry (like my cousin registered for a collector's edition of Scrabble and I was in love with that idea), I tend to go with the gift card option. I know

Boooooooooooooooooo, Mischa. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...

Just what the equal rights movement needs...another confusedly heterosexist interpretation of same-sex relationships. What really galls me is this annoying, patriarchal condescension and self-righteousness from Lorre — as if he is the enlightened one for being able to see past someone's gender/sexuality/orientation in

There are tears of pure unadulterated delight streaming down my face. This ranking = magic.


This article resonates so much with me right now. A few things it made me think, in no particular order:

I saw the last Hunger Games movie at a theater like this and I enjoyed the comfort of the seat...until I looked over and saw a stranger reclining literally next to me. There is something deeply unsettling about being so like open and vulnerable (and practically prostrate) in a room full of people you've never seen

You have, I believe, just described the ideal man.

Happy Birthday, America! Someone give this woman a show on Bravo! Because the American Spirit!