
Augh, I'm sorry that happened to you! I feel like that's at least a little more respectable than having it stolen on the Brussels Metro, which is what happened to me. What kind of self-respecting person gets robbed in Belgium?

In the best way possible. I had to switch to a Mac for school, so any time an actually interesting game gets ported it's basically a great day.

I had planned to spend the weekend in Paris, but then my wallet got stolen Friday night and I decided it probably wasn't a great idea to go without any money. So! Stayed put in Bruges for the weekend and read some more Cormac McCarthy. The Road is really, really good - after the denseness of Blood Meridian, it's

Real talk: I think it's nice that, as most games become less graphically stylized, they're forced to depict more realistic women's bodies. If you look at the new Lara Croft or any of the women from The Last of Us, for example, they're slender and pretty but they don't have ridiculously nipped-in waists or super long,

I think it's only possible to believe Bret Easton Ellis is talented when you know very little about him as a person. Really he's just a wealth-obsessed egomaniacal misogynist who's made a career writing from the point of view of other wealth-obsessed egomaniacal misogynists.

The Surfing Graysons?

Leo DiCaprio's new movie The Revenant looks like it could come close to capturing some of the feeling. But yeah, I feel adapting it in any format would require making the kid more of a protagonist (as opposed to the book where there are large sections in which his individual identity/presence is completely subsumed

They're beautiful, but sometimes overwhelming. At the beginning it's easy to look at them and go "oh my god, I have how many hundreds of pages of this to read?"

I would say yes. He's clearly meant to represent something larger than any individual person, and McCarthy draws deliberate textual comparisons between the Judge and Satan. (Not that I think he is Satan, but he's some kind of evil as big as humanity.) And I like the Judge as a lone supernatural element in a book that

I finally, finally finished Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. It's a book that really wrestles with the reader, which makes it really satisfying to get all the way through. There were whole huge stretches of the thing that were a chore to read and didn't seem to communicate much at the time - they rode here and

Jesse, honey. No.

I'm incapable of commenting rationally on this because of my intense childhood attachment to my own American Girl dolls. (Josefina and Felicity, who I'm pretty sure I picked based on who I thought had the prettiest outfits.) It's sweet to see that girls today still love them as much as I did.

You do realize that neither Dreamworks nor Pixar had anything to do with this movie.

The sexual tension between Henry and Armie here is unreal.

I don't think it was anti-medicine so much as it was making the point that meds alone are not the answer, especially to a depression that is (as far as we know) situational instead of a recurrent thing in Soso's life. Even for people who regularly deal with depression because of crossed wires in their brain, meds are

I didn't have the chance to watch anything, but I spent the whole weekend thinking of Brook Soso's storyline from the most recent season of Orange is the New Black. I've been spending the summer in a foreign country with other students from my university, and many of them are very sweet, but the three I've been

I think the movie at least handles it better than the book, which didn't have the benefit of being able to show anything Katniss doesn't personally experience. Mockingjay the book is 250 pages of crying underground, 50 pages of all hell breaking loose, then 5 pages of crippling lifelong PTSD.

Cue a million whining audience members complaining that Katniss is useless and all she does is cry.

Please, please, please let Stella be gone for good. Ruby Rose is a beautiful person, but we never learned anything about the character and her relationship with Piper felt incredibly forced.

What did you think of Trigger Warning?