
This is the opposite of a shoplifters paradise.  There are cameras EVERYWHERE.

You realize you just did the same thing as Booker right?  Scantily clad male college athletes being sexualized.

This was an episode of Black Mirror, right? Where the woman’s husband died in the moving van?

All they need to do to keep it fresh is to rotate items more often.  Give me bows and balloons back for a few weeks!

I wonder what her opinion is on Hong Kong...

Night Cap is almost certainly a Fly Agaric mushroom, since he looks nothing like the poisonous Deathcap.  Fly Agaric is hallucinagenic, so don't know if you'd rate it higher or lower based on that fact.

This is one of those rare issues where everyone, across the political spectrum, seems to be on the same page.  Blizzard really screwed the pooch on this one.

I’ve seen this episode of Black Mirror, and Patrick got a few details wrong. FIRST, you have to ride 50,000 meters to get the sweet Tron Avatar, THEN you threaten to kill yourself to expose the tyranny of the British Cycling overlords, and FINALLY you get 50,000 YouTube subscribers and retire to your penthouse.

You just described, to a T, the second half of the first level.  You might not like it.  I dreaded going down into those sewers for the first two or three times.

I watched the clip, and had absolutely no problem with it. Of course I have a breastfeeding baby at home so it is already normalized for me.

It is rather odd if you think about it. If so many parents are paying for their kids’ college, then why the crippling student loan debt burden in America? It sounds like the FAFSA rules squarly screw over the middle class, and no one else.

He was hit hard enough directly in the face to cause a concussion in a game that does NOT involve throwing a ball at people, or any direction except up in the air. Moreover by a kid that has hit him in the face twice previously. If the school isn’t going to stop it, then good for the mom for filing police charges.

I gave a black and white coloring book to a 6 year old, and some crayons, and in five minutes the black and white picture was colorful! Don’t worry about the crayons, that’s not important. Optical illusion are amazing!

He objected to the sexualization and lack of agency of female robots, IIRC.  I could have the game wrong, but that's what I remember.

It has to be worse.  Psychic scream could be rewritten as :"7 Mana, silence and destroy all minions, and add a copy of each to your opponents deck.". Would you really want to pay two extra Mana to prevent the adding of those cards?  Only if you are playing a fatigue priest...

2064 made me stop yelling at Alexa.

Last season, my favorite thing to do was to snipe with a boom bow while high in the sky on balloons.  I don't even want to play anymore :(

Excellent reporting.  I've been saying since day one that OWL is doomed to fail.  I don't know how it attracted so many millions of dollars...

Let me rewrite the Tencent press release:

The article says she has two ‘young children’.  Not sure what kind of person puts her two young children in the back of an international flight to be babysat by unwilling strangers, but sure #momgoals.