
Blizzard nerfed a deck that was only a problem in tournaments (Patron Warrior), and in doing so gave Secret Paladin a pass on it’s worst matchup, which was rare in ladder anyway. They basically removed the limiter on Secret Paladin and made everything worse instead of better.

I’ve given up trying to be stealthy in AC games. After playing hours and hours of Shadow of Mordor, AC combat is so easy that it isn’t even worth avoiding anymore.

Since you have broken the embargo on the embargo, I ask you take the brave step of breaking the embargo on the review :)

You know what is awesome? Not putting a spoiler on the MAIN PAGE where it is impossible to avoid:

First of all, if you are spending hours doing anything over days in Excel, there is a vbasic solution that will do it for you in a fraction of the time. Step 1) If Open Office does not have the tools to solve your problem, save your sanity by paying for Excel. Step 2) Google your problem, someone has had it before.

The theme is guild wars 2, but since I don’t have that game I still don’t get the joke .

Vitality Totem is not the worst Shredder pop as it has an immediate effect and can win you the game (by saving you). It has happened to me and probably a good number of other player.

I’ve been waiting for this to come out in the USA. Way to pull my heartstrings.

Do they really think this is worth the price of Netflix membership???

With how hard Kojima is reported to work, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has months of accrued vacation. So yeah, this article doesn’t surprise me. Equally unsurprising would be to read that Konami seized his vacation, so maybe they are playing nice.

Cool pictures, but can you label the characters being cosplayed?

The Joel in my version of the game killed all three surgeons with a flamethrower. I think he might have snapped and gone past being a 'good guy'.

At first I couldn’t fathom people in Journey pushing each other off cliffs. Then I remembered how mad I would get when I had a tiny scarf and my companion had a full, flowing scarf. Yeah I’d push that jerk into a dragon...

“Drinking water and eating dog food don’t actually make you more impervious to violence, after all.”

It's not Amazon denying your Visa, it's your bank. From the bank's end it looks like a transaction loop.

It's not Amazon denying your Visa, it's your bank. From the bank's end it looks like a transaction loop.

This might not be the place to complain, but I came here for an article on kids games. What I got on the scrolling marquee was an article about selling weed to one’s sister, and the “Gentleman’s” guide to making her come without using your “d*#k” My children are in the room for goodness sakes. Can you please segregate

Is there enough difference between PS3 and PS4 Diablo to justify shelling out an extra $15?

Is there enough difference between PS3 and PS4 Diablo to justify shelling out an extra $15?

Not mine, ordered it shortly after this article was posted and the coupon worked, the ship date is Oct. 1 which is fine by me.

Not mine, ordered it shortly after this article was posted and the coupon worked, the ship date is Oct. 1 which is

Too soon Kotaku, too soon.

I played through it twice yesterday, and was a little bit disappointed in the multiplayer. The first time through, I had over ten different companions. My companions always seemed to drop during cutscenes, which makes me think the network was to blame. Second playthrough, I had exactly ONE companion, during ONE level