Marc Maron


And still no Emmy for Amy Poehler. Parks and Rec's last season wasn't its strongest, but it still deserved something.

Maybe he's just being ironic?

The solution? Write book eviscerations at a higher quality than the book itself.

The drink is actually "Manic Pixie Dream Drink," the official cocktail of the AV Club.

I can't tell if I'm more freaked out or intrigued. It's like the script of a horror movie trailer.

Nathan Rabin and A.A. Dowd, just for the tension.

And heartbreak for all.

Ugh, get a room you two!

Where's the best place to start with Deadpool? I like the idea of him, but I don't really know anything about him. Any good eras or writers to start with for him?

I Think It's Gonna Rain Today, Sweet Jane or Satisfaction.

But the sixites were the time of inspiration and free love! Just ask anyone at that Rolling Stones concert at Altamont.

It's so simple too: just enter the name of the song into Youtube or Spotify and then do that "music criticism" sorcery.

Just don't float gently into that good night…

#12-Hot Fuzz: Make it intentionally funny. That, and blow up an idyllic English village.

"He likes songs and performers that are energetic, genre-ambiguous, and close enough to the leading edge of popular taste to qualify as daring but not close enough to weird out a critical number of listeners."

Just remember that "There's a headstone right in front of youuu…."

They're probably just figuring out how to work with Cudi. It's like a pilot kinda: They're discovering what to bring out in Cudi and are just working from the Reggie mold for now.

Don't push Mike Vanderbilt the wrong way. He's from a family…with OLD MONEY!!!

At least his brother's restaurant's the best part about O'Hare.